Monday, May 2, 2011

Book Review For My Table Group ;)

For Alex Noble, I put:
"I like how in the beginning, you gave a full description on the overview of the book for those that are not familiar with the book. I also like how even though you didn't post your questions, it was clear to me what question you were addressing. However, I think that you shouldn't have focused on one question but maybe gave yourself more options and expanded so that we, as the readers of your post, can find out a little more about the book. For this one specifically, I would recommend you talk about the point of the book because that would have gave everyone a better understanding of what was really going on :)"

For Melissa Ma, I put:
"I really like you post, however it sounds a little cliche. I say this because the typical thing to say is that someone learns to cope with "whatever life throws at them". However, if you were to talk more about how she developed and grew in other way, it would have provided the reader a better understanding of how she changed overtime. Along with that, I think that you should have talked about some of the other characters. If anything, their relationships with Ronnie. Maybe how Ronnie and Blaze's boyfriend relationship changes, and what effect that may have on Ronnie and Blaze's relationship. All of these things would have made your post even better than it is. Other than that, I feel like you did a good job of explaining Ronnie, her habits, and how she changes over time :)"
For Jesse Valdez, I put:
"Your post was very interesting but I didn't really see much of an introduction. You jumped right into the main point of the post, being the questions, and barely took the time to explain the genre, what the book was about etc. However, I liked how you had your question on the top of your post so that the reader knew what to look forward too. Although it would have been better if you just incorporated the question into your paper, what you did was still good. Overall, you did good, it is just your introduction that can use some work :)"

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