Friday, March 25, 2011

Esperanza's Future

The last four chapters of "The House On Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros says a lot about Esperanza's future and what might happen. Cisneros hints multiple times that Esperanza might be leaving Mango Street and also makes it seem like she is on a mission. In the fourth to last vignette, Cisneros makes it clear that Esperanza is looking forward to leaving Mango Street. This is exemplified on page 105 when Cisneros says,
"Yes,  make a wish. What do you want?
Anything? I said.
Well, why not?
I closed my eyes.
Did you wish already?
Yes, I said.
Well, that's all there is to it.
Esperanza. She held my face with her blue veined hands and looked at me... When you leave you must remember to always come back, she said. A circle you understand? You will always be Esperanza. You will always be Mango Street. You can't erase what you know. You can't forget who you are [....] For the ones who cannot leave easily as you."
This shows that Esperanza wished to leave Mango street and one of the old ladies were telling her she would have to come back. This contributes to the idea that Esperanza does not like Mango Street and wants to leave. In a way, it seems like she is part of Mango Street but Mango Street is not a part of her. Another thing it shows is that Esperanza was the one that did  not want to grow up and she wanted to stay a child while the others allowed themselves to mature and grow up there on Mango Street so it will be harder for them to leave.

Also, Esperanza proves that she did come back to all of the people that she left behind and it is proved at the very end of the book.
"One day I will go away [....] They will not know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out (110)."
The quote above is the biggest hint of it all and the most important part of the book. Esperanza does in fact come back and stick to her word. She does not physically come back to Mango Street and take her friends and friends with her, she helps them have their way out by writing "The House on Mango Street". She talks about all of the experiences she had on Mango Street and with whom she had them. That was her way or rather Sandra Cisneros way of coming back to take those who cannot out.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post but one thing confuses me: Why does your first quote show that Esperanza wanted to "stay a child"? I don't quite see how that follows...although I like the idea, so it really made me want to hear more about what you meant by it.
