Friday, April 8, 2011

Fredrick Douglass

As I was looking for a book when I came across something boring looking yet interesting. I have always found myself to be interested on how it might have felt to be a slave. To have been a witness of people getting whipped, to sleep in the cold, to have limited food... I always wanted to know how the slaves were able to get through it. I stood and stared at the book in front of me, it was called "Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave" by none other than Fredrick Douglass himself. It was obviously the answer to most of my questions. So I decided to go with the book and have a lot to say about how it is.

So far, this book have given me the best visuals possible. Douglass does not really describe the situations in his book that much, yet I still picture every single part. I am able to follow. Considering the things he would say in the book, he made it obvious what the point of this narrative was.
"Slavery soon proved its ability to divest her of those heavenly qualities. Under its influence, the tender heart became stone, and the lamb-like disposition gave way to one of tiger-like fierceness."
 Before this part, Douglass was talking about how the lady that was his master's wife was the sweetest he had ever met and she really took care of her slaves. However, slavery changed this kind-hearted lady into a harsh and demanding control freak. I believe he is trying to say that slavery was something that messed with everyone's minds. Even the kindest soul can change dramatically once under the influence of slavery and basically just power over someone.

What I did not like about the book was how it got boring at times. Sometimes it just made me want to fall back and just go to sleep. It got to the point where my eyes were scanning the book while my mind would think about bagels and hot chocolate. So I would sit there, scan through the text and then think about what I should eat at lunch or what I should do for the weekend. After I was done reading, I would go back and reread because I wouldn't know what I just read. Although it was good, it was also twice as boring. But overall, I enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you were honest about your book and your thoughts about it but maybe you can go further into other aspects of the book. For example, you only talk about the master's wife, and although this was to prove Douglas's use of visuals, it would be nice to have another quote supporting this with his experience with slavery. Also don't forget to reference page number just in case. I think you should also talk more about the book, go into detail about details basically. All in all, I liked how you were truthful about your view of the book just work on expressing the book more in your next blog post.
