Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Correct Side Of The Debate

Prostitution Should Be Legalized

         Prostitution should be legalized because it is what some people do for a living. It brings no harm to others and some women really need the money. If people enjoy being a prostitute then we have no right to try and stop them from doing what they like. They could always quit, but as you have noticed, most females are happy doing what they do and I see no problem with it. It is a fast way to get money because most women can’t get a job because they have no education. So therefore, prostitution is the only way to get the money they need to take care of themselves. It’s their body and they are the ones making the decision whether or not they wish to reveal it to men they don’t know. A lot of the women in the world are selling their bodies to others and they are happy, so to take it away would take a lot of time and in the end, everything will go back to the way it started. I also believe that if prostitution were legalized then there will be less poverty and rape. Rapists would leave the little innocent children alone because they know that there would be a women out there who would be willing to give it up to them. It would allow children to go out and play without having to constantly watch there backs. I am sure you have heard that prostitutes get HIV or STD's. Well, as if you haven't noticed, they are well aware of the consequences of selling their bodies and they are okay with it so why should it bother us?
To support my partner and our claim, I have did my research and found some great reasons as to why prostitution should be legalized. For starters, prostitutes are not committing any crime what so ever. They are doing what satisfies them. Now I am not suggesting that all prostitutes enjoy it, but it is the decision they have made. Secondly, prostitution goes all the way back to 2400 B.C. and it supposedly showed up on the list of Sumerian professions next to doctors, scribes, and cooks. Although this is not a website that counts, i felt it woul be a good idea to point out that this piece of information was borrowed from procon.org. Third of all, proponents believe that it will reduce crime. Now that is something that everyone is trying to stop. This point was taken from http://www.reasonforliberty.com/current-affairs/legalizing-prostitution.html. Last but not least, if prostitutes enjoy doing what they do, then we have no right to stop them.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Most Fablulous Quote

 This quote by Lhadze is well written and I believe it deserves some attention.
"People see me and automatically assume I'm a terrible person."
This quote not only represents one of the statements in the constitution, but its represents two. It represents include do not exclude and Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you. Lhadze explains how people in the world automatically assume things about her without even taking the time to get to know her. According to research, for every 25 middle school kids, an average of two is harassed daily and another two to three are bullied weekly. This show ho inconsiderate kids are of each other’s feelings. They do not think about what their stupid acts can do. Most of the time, the school board is no help either so it leaves the students on their own which leads to suicide or unacceptable actions such as violence. Her quote explains what some teenagers go through everyday and it is usually because of their sense of style or because they smell or look different. She says how people assume she is terrible which angers people. Kids should not go to school with fear; they should go to school knowing that they have a good day ahead of them. However, some students do not see that. Instead, they see a victim who knows that they cannot defend herself/himself and they love how people support them. I would know this because my friends and I were often doing things like this. By I, I mean I was watching and laughing when I would see something like that but I would not tell. I would not tell because I hated snitches so therefore I did not want to be one myself. That is why I think that Lhadze’s quote was by far the best.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bullying Has Got To Go

Rokhsor Yusufi
August 16, 10
Asti Summer Work

‘Just Kidding’ and ‘Ganging Up’
From Odd Girl Out

          In my seventh grade year, I was extremely popular. Everything was great until my so-called “best friend” did something at lunch one day that made me mad. The period after lunch (for me it was physical education), I told my friend Adreena what happened and I said a few things about my “best friend”. A girl named Anita was with Adreena and I and she heard everything I said. At the time, I thought I could trust Anita, so it really did not matter to me that she heard what I said. However, I was sadly mistaken because she went and told my “best friend” everything that I had said about her, which apparently made her mad. She then proceeded to write me a letter threatening me and asking me to come see her after school. I was not scared of anyone or anything but God so I went to go see her after school. Of course, all she did was trash talk. All of my friends were with her and were surrounding us watching her curse at me. I just stood there and watched her curse at me. I felt mad and rather humiliated so I laughed at her and told her that she had wasted her breath because I was not listening to a single word she said and that she just made a fool of herself because she seemed pathetic. I also told her how annoying I thought she was and how much it bugged me when she did what she did at lunch. That was when all of my friends realized that I was the right one and they all came back to me and told me that she was pathetic and that it was a good thing that I stood up for myself.
          I think people bully others because it is apparently a source of entertainment. They look for someone to bully because they want a reaction and they want to fight someone. In some cases, bullies do not have a good life and when they catch someone who is better that them, it bugs them so they bully them just so that can bring their victim down. When it does not work, they move on. Bullies are like cheetahs who attack a deer because the deer is weaker that the cheetah. 

Why Do Us Youngsters Shop?

Rokhsor Yusufi
August 17, 2010
ASTI Summer Work

The Explosion of Youth Spending
 From Born to Buy

          Some of my favorite brands would be Air Jordan’s, Nikes, Hn’M, Apple Bottom, and Aeropostle. I like these brands because they are highly fashionable. These brands always have the latest fashion and I love an updated brand. The qualities of all these brands are better than the highest quality. The shoes brands that I have chosen (Air Jordan’s and Nikes) have the hottest shoes out of all the shoe brands known to the world. That is why they cost so much. To me personally, the more something costs, then the more the quality is good. As for the clothing brands (Hn’M, Apple Bottom, and Aeropostle), they have the nicest clothing. The clothing and shoe brands that I like always make a statement telling people that I am the best dresser and that is what attracts my attention.

          Kids are influenced by corporate America in a few ways. Corporate America to me are just something’s (businesses) that advertises what is in style. Also it advertises on TV and when kids go to stores they do not find what they saw on TV; however they do find something else so either way America makes money.

          The “brands” that I like are truly one hundred percent me. I think that these brands create clothes and shoes that are sincerely my style. The shoes that these brands make represent the fact that I like high tops and shoes that have a lot of sophisticated but fashionable and classy designs. Students or should I say and I quote “popular kids” have talked about the “cool” brands around me, but I have stuck with what represents me best. I did not let other kids influence what is the real me because then my personality will disappear and I will be mistaken for someone that I am not. 

What I See In My Favorite Colleges

        Rokhsor Yusufi
        April 17, 2010
                                                                                              ASTI Summer Work
Chapter 8 From
“The Overachievers”

When the term “Best College” comes to mind, I think of Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Duke. I think that these schools are on my list because I believe that they are better than the best. In the past, I’ve done a lot of research and assignments related to schools that I can see myself attending in the future and the research I have done proved that these school are the best. Also, these schools have a high standard which is definitely something that I look for in a college. I also consider the fact that these colleges have fairly safe campus and everyone is busy doing their own thing. I have always looked for a college/university where everyone is so busy doing there own thing that they have no time to create problems and I have found those college/university.  

These schools are special to me because I think they are very challenging. They want students to know that education is taken seriously and you can not just walk in and expect them to accept you. Another reason that I have chosen these colleges/universities is because they are different from all the other schools. They are different in ways such as reputation, education level, and conclusively challenging. I also like how these schools take in very few students so that it just determines future college/university students to work harder because they realize that it takes hard work to get into fine colleges such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Duke.

Some of the characteristics of these colleges that stand out would be that they are recognized as some of the world’s most leading colleges/universities. Also, they prepare students to become the next generation of leaders. Stating the obvious, we are expected to become the new leaders of the world and these college/universities can prepare us for that kind of big responsibility. They have phenomenal libraries that are filled with books and knowledge. These schools have many more outstanding qualities that put them in the spotlight. I would love to experience walking on the campuses of theses extraordinary schools, going into classes, learning more everyday, and getting to do my “college work” night and day.