Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bullying Has Got To Go

Rokhsor Yusufi
August 16, 10
Asti Summer Work

‘Just Kidding’ and ‘Ganging Up’
From Odd Girl Out

          In my seventh grade year, I was extremely popular. Everything was great until my so-called “best friend” did something at lunch one day that made me mad. The period after lunch (for me it was physical education), I told my friend Adreena what happened and I said a few things about my “best friend”. A girl named Anita was with Adreena and I and she heard everything I said. At the time, I thought I could trust Anita, so it really did not matter to me that she heard what I said. However, I was sadly mistaken because she went and told my “best friend” everything that I had said about her, which apparently made her mad. She then proceeded to write me a letter threatening me and asking me to come see her after school. I was not scared of anyone or anything but God so I went to go see her after school. Of course, all she did was trash talk. All of my friends were with her and were surrounding us watching her curse at me. I just stood there and watched her curse at me. I felt mad and rather humiliated so I laughed at her and told her that she had wasted her breath because I was not listening to a single word she said and that she just made a fool of herself because she seemed pathetic. I also told her how annoying I thought she was and how much it bugged me when she did what she did at lunch. That was when all of my friends realized that I was the right one and they all came back to me and told me that she was pathetic and that it was a good thing that I stood up for myself.
          I think people bully others because it is apparently a source of entertainment. They look for someone to bully because they want a reaction and they want to fight someone. In some cases, bullies do not have a good life and when they catch someone who is better that them, it bugs them so they bully them just so that can bring their victim down. When it does not work, they move on. Bullies are like cheetahs who attack a deer because the deer is weaker that the cheetah. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I Responded to this!http://karenchavezlife.blogspot.com/2010/08/quote-i-agree-with-and-really-liked.html
