Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I See In My Favorite Colleges

        Rokhsor Yusufi
        April 17, 2010
                                                                                              ASTI Summer Work
Chapter 8 From
“The Overachievers”

When the term “Best College” comes to mind, I think of Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Duke. I think that these schools are on my list because I believe that they are better than the best. In the past, I’ve done a lot of research and assignments related to schools that I can see myself attending in the future and the research I have done proved that these school are the best. Also, these schools have a high standard which is definitely something that I look for in a college. I also consider the fact that these colleges have fairly safe campus and everyone is busy doing their own thing. I have always looked for a college/university where everyone is so busy doing there own thing that they have no time to create problems and I have found those college/university.  

These schools are special to me because I think they are very challenging. They want students to know that education is taken seriously and you can not just walk in and expect them to accept you. Another reason that I have chosen these colleges/universities is because they are different from all the other schools. They are different in ways such as reputation, education level, and conclusively challenging. I also like how these schools take in very few students so that it just determines future college/university students to work harder because they realize that it takes hard work to get into fine colleges such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Duke.

Some of the characteristics of these colleges that stand out would be that they are recognized as some of the world’s most leading colleges/universities. Also, they prepare students to become the next generation of leaders. Stating the obvious, we are expected to become the new leaders of the world and these college/universities can prepare us for that kind of big responsibility. They have phenomenal libraries that are filled with books and knowledge. These schools have many more outstanding qualities that put them in the spotlight. I would love to experience walking on the campuses of theses extraordinary schools, going into classes, learning more everyday, and getting to do my “college work” night and day.          

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