Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Do I Feel About ASTI?

Most people know that so far, my experience at ASTI has been the worst out of all the other freshman. I have done nothing but stress. I almost fell asleep in class, I have trouble with tests, and I have a lot of social drama. I am being split into four billion peices and i'm just tired of it all. Most of the time I wish I could go to Encinal or Alameda because they have it easier than we do. My worst problem at ASTI is the social ones.

I have been dealing with a lot of drama. People telling me that I should let go of  "the fake females" and do what I have to do to be the winner. It is true, I would traumatize anyone whom I do not like or whoever is getting in my way. However, this is not just any high school. This is ASTI so that behavior does not fly. So what do I do? Do I listen to myself or do I take other's advice? Lately, I've been in a situatuion where at one moment I am happy for "my situation" and the next I want to take my anger out on someone and crush there heads everytime I see "my situation" around. I am 99 percent happy for "my situation" but people will not let me stay happy for "it" so that is where the 1% kicks in.

People do not know the things that I have seen and they have not felt the things that I have felt. So for people to tell me to do something, I can immediately tell whether it is right or wrng. What I cannot do is decide whether I should take their advice or not. Most of you may have caught on by now and you probably now what I am talking about. If you do, please tell me in person or write a response and let me know what you think. (Mr. Sutherland, this is not my blog post for the week.)


  1. You know, there's something about ASTI that since it is small, there is ALOT of drama. Trust me. Major drama last year. You would have no idea. But this year, I've got to admit there's no drama at all.

    My advice is to either tough it out and face all the drama and keep questioning yourself about what is right or wrong, or find a group of two or more friends that you can always count on that will stay by your side no matter what happens.

    Of course there's the alternative to just leaving ASTI, but seriously I think you would have better luck toughing out all the shitty stuff that is going on and then looking back at it your sophomore year saying "Dang. That was stupid drama."

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