Thursday, October 7, 2010

Melissa Ma Is So Smart !

I found this good quote from Melissa Ma's blog and I feel the same way as she does

As we sat I realized how horrible our lives would be without electricity. We were extremely bored, and as the night went on it started getting darker.
I hate the dark because that means I will be trapped inside! I prefer to be outside and to feel the wind in my hair. However, when I am inside I feel like im in a cage. If I feel like I am trapped in a cage, then I will come out in beast mode which is not safe. Without electricitty, there would be no mouth watering fried chicken to eat becuase you would not be able to fry it without electricity. There would be no pepsi because you would need electicity to make it cold. Without electricity, life would be dull and there would be no point in living.

I do not know how people back then survived without electricity because nowadays, without it most people like myself will not survive. It is like living in a ditch with no way out. I have had electricity at my service ever since birth and to lose it now would be like losing oxygen. It would take away my phone because I would not be able to use it without charge. It would take away my laptop which would kill me. It would take away my TV time. The worst part is that it would take away my heating blanket. You have to plug it in and it will heat up and it lightly vibrates on the part that you place on your back. So you are warm and you get a massage.

Life with no electricity is hell on earth. It is like burning my insides while stabbing my arm with a knife. Them squishing my head through a closed door. No I am not playing around because that is how much electricity. The things that I cannot live without are:
1. God
3. Myself
4. Diamonds
5. Food
6. Sleep
7. My Baby (My Phone)
8. Electricity
9. Family

As you an see, electricity falls at number eight which makes them really important. So I believe I have made my point !

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