Monday, October 4, 2010

You Gotta Love Money Right?

Money? Why does this piece of green paper run the world? Why is it the reason people lose family members? Why is it the reason people get shot at when they are at banks? For just a piece of paper, people work day and night. For all of that work, you can happily say you have earned this green sheet. Does money buy you happiness? Does money bring you back to life when you are on the verge of death? Does money get you through nine months of pregnancy? Does money buy you true love? I think not!

People are so obsessed with money that it is slowly taking over the world. Money is nothing but paper so I do not see why we need to ruin our bodies and waste our time
trying to bring green sheets home to your family. It is not as if I do not enjoy a bundle of money now and then, but I do not think it is necessary to base our lives on how much of it we have. For example, when your children want to go on a trip somewhere. You base your decision on whether you have enough money or not. You are giving away your child’s happiness because you want to save money? That is stupid and selfish. I know that without money, you cannot do anything or go anywhere but that is just it. That policy needs to change.

I have thought a lot about this and came up with three reasons why money should not run the world. First of all, we should not let green paper take over lives and kill people because that is not logical. Secondly, money should not run the world because it will not do anything to help us in the long run. Again, going back to my first paragraph- will money keep you from dying or losing a loved one? I think not! Last but not least, it just makes no sense to let money take us over. It is not ethical to let money take over humanity. It is stupid and only the greedy and money hungry would oppose this. What I am trying to say is that we need to step it up, and stop letting the little things like paper take us over.


  1. Here is my response post by Luis :D

  2. I agree with you that being greedy about money is not a good thing, but not having a lot of money to sustain one's life is also not a good thing. I think people should try to get enough money to survive, but should not prize it as the most valuable thing in life to attain.
