Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Point Blank Period !

Love is so fake that is disgusts me. Now, it is true that most people are in love and I am happy for them. However, those of us who have had bad experiences have the right to feel that love is fake. Love is a word made up by someone for whatever reason and it is our choice about how we view it. I personally think love is mostly fake.

There is no age limit to love. You can fall in love whether you are ten or fifty. You are never too young or too old. Hearing all of this talk about we us young people know nothing about the world and we are too young makes me laugh cause it is a bunch of lies. We know about love, we know everything there is to know. It is not that we do not know anything, it is just we have personally experienced broken hearts or we have seen someone go through it and it is horrible.

I feel it is a waste of time to fall for someone to fall in love and then end up broken hearted. Most people end up in a relationship where things are going just great but not everyone is all that fortunate. Just because you are in love, dos not mean other people cannot talk about how they think love is fake. When it comes to love, I do not care because my time for that will come, but as or now, I have school and family to worry about. For those who fall in love, well they have a choice of loving the experience or a choice of thinking it was straight up stupid and they hate love. Love is when you will truly love someone, be there for someone until your dead, until you are breathing your last, you will always try and make it work out even if it is a dead relationship that will go no where, you will forever be in a love spell, you will see no one but that special someone, and you will never forget all that you have been through whether it is good or bad. That is just how it is. POINT BLANK PERIOD! That is all there is to it.

Q And His Bipolar Attitude

In "The Dinosaurs" and "The Aquatic Uncle", Q gets mad easily but is very sweet at the same time. Q is respectable towards females. He has a rather sweet and caring side towards the girl he likes. the text does not come right out and say that h feels this way but his actions speak louder than words.
“A kind of friendliness has grown up between Fern-Flower and me. Nothing too intimate.  I had never dared touch her”
This quote shows a lot about Q. It shows a portion of his sweet and caring side. It really explains his thoughts and views on how a girl should be treated. It explains how if Q is n more than friends with a girl, he will not touch her because he does not dare to. Q seems to be against that sort of thing. He explains that they are friends and things are not intimate because they are not that far in their relationship yet.

Q is very bipolar towards how he feels about his family. At one point in time, he is proud and another, he is completely ashamed of his family. He is so ashamed that he does not even want his fiancee to meet his family.
“The time had come for Lll to meet my family; and since its oldest and most authoritative member was Great-Uncle N’ba N’ga. I could not avoid a visit to him, to introduce my fiancée. but every time and opportunity occurred, I postponed it, out of embarrassment; knowing the prejudices among which she had been brought up I hadn’t yet dared to tell Lll that my great-uncle was a fish.”
There is a lot of detail in there that explains a whole lot about Q’s views. He obviously cares more about what his fiancée thinks of him rather than being proud of his family and being proud of his great-uncle. He also knows (or thinks he knows) that his fiancée and her family are prejudice towards fish. He thinks that they are not familiar with fish, and if they are, well they are not the coolest thing around. He fears that she will not like his family, which causes him to post pone all meetings between them.

Q seems very self-conscious and worried about what people have to say in a way. He feels this way and the text says it directly. However, you have to really put your all into the reading to really understand and see these factors.
“Every now and then I suspected she was remaining silent in order to embarrass me later in some spectacular way, in front of her family, or else-and, for me, this was an even worse hypothesis-she was making and effort to talk about other things only because she felt sorry for me.”
This says so much. The context contains big bold details on Q’s character. It has two major characteristics that cannot be missed. He feels that Lll wants to embarrass him in front of her family. However, even worse she might just change the subject because she feels sorry for him. Q feels like the guy in a relationship must be stronger and more powerful then a girl and he hates to feel like Lll has an advantage.  

Q is a very self conscious, sweet, and stereotypical kind of guy. He has this caring sense of humor where he loves to just have fun ad hang out. However, he also has a side where he has to be stronger than his girl is or he gets self-conscious.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Amen To That Karen!

Karen is right on the pulse with this one and she needs to be recognized for it. She said:
I occasionally did just want to have someone to call mine without actually having feelings towards them.Love does fade away
Okay, so why is this so important? Because people are falling in love everyday. People are also played everyday. Why do we fall in love? It is because when we see someone, we feel a connection. We feel like that is the person who will not break our heart. However, we are ever so wrong. Young love rarely stays strong. Now, this blog is from a girl’s point of view and I will get to the guy’s point of view after the girls is over.

We see a person at our school, and you feel a sudden connection. You feel like something clicked between you guys. You see his face, his structure, and what you think is his personality. That is when you probably start talking to him. Things are going fabulous and you feel like the both of you might have something and that is when he grabs your heart and steps on it a few times.

Of course, there is another girl involved. He likes her and denies any contact with you what so ever. Even if he does say he talked to you, he denies leading you on. It hurts you and you hate anyone and anything that tells you to move on. One part of you is saying forget him, the other is saying you cannot let him go because he is to precious and you have wasted to much time loving him to let go now. Therefore, now it hits you, love makes you only to break you afterwards.

For guys. Things are not very sunny either. Girls are constantly breaking guy's hearts. We feel it is a way to get back at them. Alternatively, most of the time, they are not up to your standards. It is a horrible thing for guys to find out but they are better at covering their feeling then girls are. So therefore, you just want to love someone without having feelings because if you do, then you know you will most likely end up broken hearted.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good Job Cameron And Justice !

This quote is beyond perfect and I got it from Cameron.

My first point, is simply this. If it is not acceptable for a White person to say the N-word because it is disrespectful and prejudice, then why would Black people want to call each other this word if it is these things.
Recently there has been a lot of controversy about this word. People got into verbal fights at school, which was completely innappropriate. I ask why such behavior? Now I answer, it is because the N-word is believed to be only for African Americans. Well here is a brief wake up call. If you say something, then a kid will think it is okay, and they will repeat it. Same with teenagers. If an African American can say it, then Caucasians see no problem with saying it. May I remind you that I am neither Caucasian and nor am I African American so I am not taking any sides but I am saying it like it is. Cameron makes a great point and I am proud to say that I was the one who brought attention to it.

Another quote that was about the same subject and Justice does a spectacular job on setting things straight

So when you say that black people say white people are racist for saying the N-word then they should look at it from another point of view because you are being hypocritical and actually being racist yourself.
This relates to Cameron's quote and they both are on exactly on the pulse (main idea), and that is the kind of person I am so I related to it right then and there. Why would you say something about your own race and discriminate against your own people, but as soon as someone else says something, you are offended? Now, with that said why would you engage in something that you find offensive. In a way, I agree with Al'eah because if someone called me a terrorist just because I was Muslim, it would make me mad. However, the difference is that I would not call myself a terrorist either.

So my point is that you should not say such as the N-word just because you are African American, but expect others to not say it. Life is not that simple and people pick up things that they hear or see and do it or say it themselves.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Hate Thieves.

I hate thieves and people who are always in my business. When somebody leaves something around, it means, they lost or forgot it. For starters, no one has a right in hell to go through it or to examine it or whatever else people do. It should be put somewhere out of reach until someone claims it. However, stealing is a way worse situation. Why do people steal and try to hide behind lies? I have recently gone through a stealing incident and it literally put out my blood on fire. I felt myself heat up as if I was on a burning skillet.

I put it this way when people steal. No matter how rich or cool you are, when you steal; you seem like you are not even worth a penny or a second of anyone’s time. Having something stolen is the worst feeling ever and I have a reason for that. Stealing is the biggest crime in the world and that is a fact. I have no support for my claim except for what I heard and saw in “Kite Runner” the movie. When you murder, you steal a woman/husband’s right to their spouse, a child’s right their parent(s), a friend’s right to a friend and it goes on. To add to that, when you steal someone stuff, you steal someone’s right to his or her own property.

The stupidest part of stealing is when people put a reward on what was rightfully yours. If someone stole what was yours and what you already paid for, then why would you pay for it again just because some careless goat decided to be cheap? No, it does not work that way. You will not under any circumstance pay for something twice.

A person in my business is like people sexually harassing me. It disgusts me because it is such a nasty behavior. If you were meant to be a part of a situation, then someone would have told you something. However, when you force yourself into something, you are going to end up annoying everyone. I have never had this happen to me but it is common and I hate it so I just thought I should throw it out there.

Monday, September 20, 2010

People Are So Stupid, It Makes Me Sick

I hate when people try to tell me what I try to act like. It bugs me, especially when they just met me. They know nothing about my background or who I am and yet they tell me I try and act like something I am not. For example, when people say I am trying to act smart or cool. I find it to be the stupidest thing in the world and it makes them seem like they were just born because it shows how ignorant they are.

I have put a lot of thought into this and it bugs me more and more every time. Why are people so stupid and immature? Why do they act like two year olds? It makes me believe they were dropped on their heads about ten times and then after that, they were taken to high school for hopes of education. People who say stuff like that are the ones who try to act like someone they are not. That is why it bugs them.

Based off previous experiences, I am able to safely say that whenever you say you hate something about someone (particularly attitude wise); it is usually your biggest flaw. For example, if you hate someone who talks too much, usually you are the one with a talking problem. I say this because in the past, I realized that the things that I hate about others, is what I do most. I hate when people yell at others, and yet I do so much of it myself.

However, the one thing I cannot stand is when you tell someone to stop acting like something they are not because it is strictly immature. It annoys the hell out of me and it makes me want to become violent, but because I am such a calm and chill person, I am able to let it slide. Sometimes in life, people can get on your nerves but the more you let it go, the more you adjust to it and people start to leave you alone. It is a life skill that is hard to master, but once it is mastered, you can do get through half of your life with no problems at all.

Spotlight Is On Aleah This Time

This quote by Aleah is very strong and bold and I believe it should be recognized.

"Sometimes I say this because ever since the saggin pance era started in person other than a black that was saggin hid pants, always had some negativecomment comming from them, But when Black guys start dressing like white guys with skinny jeans and skate boards no one sais anything. WHY IS THAT?"
Aleah has stated it the way it is in the real world. I walk down Oakland all the time and when I see Caucasian people sag, I often see African Americans laughing at them when they are not looking. However, when an African American wears skinny jeans and rides skateboards, no one says anything because it looks normal. In addition, it has been said by so many people that I know which I will not name that "black people can rock anything". This statement has been said repeatedly and it makes no sense to me. I say this because everyone can rock something if they have the right thing put on with it.

Caucasian people are discriminated against because of the fact that they try to act "ghetto". I am neither 100% Caucasian and nor am I 100% black so I am not being racist to either one of them. However, I believe that if people do not like racism, then they should not put salt on a fresh scar. By that, I mean, that you cannot walk out into the world dressed like something that is not who you really are because you should be aware that someone would point out the fact that you should not be dressed like that.

When African Americans wear skinny jeans, no one is bothered by it. Why is it like that? Because they make it look right, but it is not like, no one makes fun of them. It is just that people do not like to point that out. Now, do not get me wrong, there are some Caucasians out there that can sag their jeans and make it look straight up fabulous. Nevertheless, most of the time they are made fun because they do not "rock it". Therefore, my point is that you should really think about something before you go out and throw it out to the public.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The 10 Words I Chose

These are the 10 words that I chose to post because well.... I decided they were words that stood out to me.

1. Acquisition
2. Derive
3. Medial
4. Notion
5. Parameter
6. Percieved
7. Regime
8. Revenue
9. Sector
10. Subsequent

Monday, September 13, 2010

Quote #2 That Stood Out

This very detailed quote cam from Ruby Rew’s blog:
To me, bullies are what Hollywood and cartoons have portrayed them to be: kids who steal lunch money, pick on kids smaller than them, and tease others about their hair, clothes, shoes, etc. One thing Hollywood and cartoons have not done however, is show how cliques, gangs, groups and alliances can make or break a student's reputation at school. Everyone wants to be a part of the "in-crowd", but not many people can be.
This is an old assignment but the way she explained it really made me think. Ruby does a great job explaining how in Hollywood, the whole bullying situation is a joke and no one takes it seriously. However, the reality is that people like that are on this earth. Not everyone gets bullied for money, and not all of the littler kids get picked on. They do not talk about how girls in particular, ruin someone’s reputation. They do not talk about the process, the way a group of kids can make someone feel like nothing but trash.

Bullying is a very serious situation that gets no attention at all. I have been part of an alliance and I have been the one made fun of. However, I humiliated the girl back and stood up for myself, which brings me to another point. Kids cannot stand up for themselves and that is what makes them targets. Ruby also said that kids get teased on because of their hair, clothes, shoes etc. that is not true.

Kids nowadays care about level of popularity, how many guys/girls you get, and who you walk and talk with. Basically, it’s either you fit in the first time or you never will have a spot with the “in-crowd”. Kids that are bigger than a bully can be bullied. Bullying has nothing to do with how big or small a bully is, it has to do with how much power they happen to hold. You can be the biggest kid in school, and have no power. Since bullying is only tooken seriously at schools, teenagers/kids take their business to out of school locations. Kids are being bullied and violated at their own houses, shopping malls, on the streets, and just about anywhere else, you can find children.

Friendship For Thought

What is friendship? That is one thing us high schooler's do not know the definition of because no one knows the first thing about friendship. Friendship is the most precious thing in the world. It is about trust, loyalty, and fun. However most people cannot follow those three simple things. It takes someone smart to make sure that they keep all their friends and you will most likely never find someone like that.

Being trustworthy is a big thing. High school students do not take it seriously but it is definitely an important thing. It takes a very long time to earn someone's trust, and when you do, it is in you best interest to not ruin it. When you do mess up, you can never fix it. Once one person cannot trust you because of an experience they had that involved you, then everyone will realize that it is a good idea to stay away you before something bad happens to them. Lying will never get you anywhere and you have to always consider friends feelings before your actions.

Loyalty is an important factor. By loyalty, I mean having each other's back. You should always be able to have your friends back even if you are up against your biggest fear. No excuse is good enough an excuse as to why you cannot back a friend up.

Having fun is the main focus. If you do not have fun with your friends, then they are not the people you want to be hanging out with. If you cannot make a fool of yourself in front of your friends, then they are not worth your time. You should be able to do everything embarrassing in front of your friends because you know they will not judge you. Messing around, being weird, and not caring, that is what true friends do when around each other.

Over the course of a week, I found out and learned many things about friendship. Now I know nothing can compare to friends because they will be there through thick, thin, and until it is over. That is why this subject in particular caught my attention.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rebuttal September 10, 2010

I got this quote from my incorrect opponent Bassam Alkabash:
1. Prostitution gives females and males many diseases and parasites such as HIV/AIDS, STD’s, Herpes, crabs, and many more. This is important because if people do not use protection, they can be in risk of having a disease. Health official’s state, 25% of them have HIV or AIDS. 3-5% of the sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35% among teenagers).
Now, this quote is true. However, you cannot go to a gunfight with a knife. Prostitutes are well aware that they can get all of these diseases because there is no guarantee whatsoever that the men they are involved with, have no disease. As stated in the quote above, "3-5 percent of sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35 percent among teenagers)". That is exactly where my opponent fell on their face. Comparing those numbers makes my point; prostitution is not the only way to spread disease. Teenagers having sex is obviously one of the most common ways to spread disease. I understand that this is not the main focus of prostitution, but it is a point that is wrong in many ways.

This quote came from Rokhsor's argument:
For starters, prostitutes are not committing any crime what so ever. They are doing what satisfies them. Now I am not suggesting that all prostitutes enjoy it, but it is the decision they have made.
Prostitutes are misunderstood a lot. People always think that it is never a choice and they are forced to do what they do. That is not true, most prostitutes do it because they could be insecure, abused and there are many other reasons why someone would go down the prostitution path. Now, prostitutes can always quit what they do. However, they are supposedly emotionally attached to whoever takes care of them. If prostitutes do not like prostitution so much, then they would have been strong enough to get help. So therefore, we as Americans have no right to tell each other what we can and can do unless it involves a serious crime.