Monday, September 13, 2010

Quote #2 That Stood Out

This very detailed quote cam from Ruby Rew’s blog:
To me, bullies are what Hollywood and cartoons have portrayed them to be: kids who steal lunch money, pick on kids smaller than them, and tease others about their hair, clothes, shoes, etc. One thing Hollywood and cartoons have not done however, is show how cliques, gangs, groups and alliances can make or break a student's reputation at school. Everyone wants to be a part of the "in-crowd", but not many people can be.
This is an old assignment but the way she explained it really made me think. Ruby does a great job explaining how in Hollywood, the whole bullying situation is a joke and no one takes it seriously. However, the reality is that people like that are on this earth. Not everyone gets bullied for money, and not all of the littler kids get picked on. They do not talk about how girls in particular, ruin someone’s reputation. They do not talk about the process, the way a group of kids can make someone feel like nothing but trash.

Bullying is a very serious situation that gets no attention at all. I have been part of an alliance and I have been the one made fun of. However, I humiliated the girl back and stood up for myself, which brings me to another point. Kids cannot stand up for themselves and that is what makes them targets. Ruby also said that kids get teased on because of their hair, clothes, shoes etc. that is not true.

Kids nowadays care about level of popularity, how many guys/girls you get, and who you walk and talk with. Basically, it’s either you fit in the first time or you never will have a spot with the “in-crowd”. Kids that are bigger than a bully can be bullied. Bullying has nothing to do with how big or small a bully is, it has to do with how much power they happen to hold. You can be the biggest kid in school, and have no power. Since bullying is only tooken seriously at schools, teenagers/kids take their business to out of school locations. Kids are being bullied and violated at their own houses, shopping malls, on the streets, and just about anywhere else, you can find children.


  1. "it has to do with how much power they happen to hold. You can be the biggest kid in school, and have no power."

    So my question is...What is power? Where does it come from? Why do some folks have it and others don't?

  2. You can if you want to, but I was hoping my question might get you thinking about your NEXT blog post, or that you might drop an idea or two about what "power" is here in the comments. Just trying to push you a little further in the direction you've started here, if you see what I mean.

    So what's "power"? I think it's a tricky question and certainly don't have a definitive answer myself.
