Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rebuttal September 10, 2010

I got this quote from my incorrect opponent Bassam Alkabash:
1. Prostitution gives females and males many diseases and parasites such as HIV/AIDS, STD’s, Herpes, crabs, and many more. This is important because if people do not use protection, they can be in risk of having a disease. Health official’s state, 25% of them have HIV or AIDS. 3-5% of the sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35% among teenagers).
Now, this quote is true. However, you cannot go to a gunfight with a knife. Prostitutes are well aware that they can get all of these diseases because there is no guarantee whatsoever that the men they are involved with, have no disease. As stated in the quote above, "3-5 percent of sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35 percent among teenagers)". That is exactly where my opponent fell on their face. Comparing those numbers makes my point; prostitution is not the only way to spread disease. Teenagers having sex is obviously one of the most common ways to spread disease. I understand that this is not the main focus of prostitution, but it is a point that is wrong in many ways.

This quote came from Rokhsor's argument:
For starters, prostitutes are not committing any crime what so ever. They are doing what satisfies them. Now I am not suggesting that all prostitutes enjoy it, but it is the decision they have made.
Prostitutes are misunderstood a lot. People always think that it is never a choice and they are forced to do what they do. That is not true, most prostitutes do it because they could be insecure, abused and there are many other reasons why someone would go down the prostitution path. Now, prostitutes can always quit what they do. However, they are supposedly emotionally attached to whoever takes care of them. If prostitutes do not like prostitution so much, then they would have been strong enough to get help. So therefore, we as Americans have no right to tell each other what we can and can do unless it involves a serious crime.

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