Monday, September 13, 2010

Friendship For Thought

What is friendship? That is one thing us high schooler's do not know the definition of because no one knows the first thing about friendship. Friendship is the most precious thing in the world. It is about trust, loyalty, and fun. However most people cannot follow those three simple things. It takes someone smart to make sure that they keep all their friends and you will most likely never find someone like that.

Being trustworthy is a big thing. High school students do not take it seriously but it is definitely an important thing. It takes a very long time to earn someone's trust, and when you do, it is in you best interest to not ruin it. When you do mess up, you can never fix it. Once one person cannot trust you because of an experience they had that involved you, then everyone will realize that it is a good idea to stay away you before something bad happens to them. Lying will never get you anywhere and you have to always consider friends feelings before your actions.

Loyalty is an important factor. By loyalty, I mean having each other's back. You should always be able to have your friends back even if you are up against your biggest fear. No excuse is good enough an excuse as to why you cannot back a friend up.

Having fun is the main focus. If you do not have fun with your friends, then they are not the people you want to be hanging out with. If you cannot make a fool of yourself in front of your friends, then they are not worth your time. You should be able to do everything embarrassing in front of your friends because you know they will not judge you. Messing around, being weird, and not caring, that is what true friends do when around each other.

Over the course of a week, I found out and learned many things about friendship. Now I know nothing can compare to friends because they will be there through thick, thin, and until it is over. That is why this subject in particular caught my attention.


  1. As usual, your writing here writing is as clear as a bell. Since clarity is my first and favorite value in the stuff I read, I appreciate this greatly.

    So where to improve? The big-picture criticism I have here is that you do not SHOW your point, you TELL it. This is a topic too broad for a single blog comment...

  2. I responded to your blog!
