Monday, September 20, 2010

Spotlight Is On Aleah This Time

This quote by Aleah is very strong and bold and I believe it should be recognized.

"Sometimes I say this because ever since the saggin pance era started in person other than a black that was saggin hid pants, always had some negativecomment comming from them, But when Black guys start dressing like white guys with skinny jeans and skate boards no one sais anything. WHY IS THAT?"
Aleah has stated it the way it is in the real world. I walk down Oakland all the time and when I see Caucasian people sag, I often see African Americans laughing at them when they are not looking. However, when an African American wears skinny jeans and rides skateboards, no one says anything because it looks normal. In addition, it has been said by so many people that I know which I will not name that "black people can rock anything". This statement has been said repeatedly and it makes no sense to me. I say this because everyone can rock something if they have the right thing put on with it.

Caucasian people are discriminated against because of the fact that they try to act "ghetto". I am neither 100% Caucasian and nor am I 100% black so I am not being racist to either one of them. However, I believe that if people do not like racism, then they should not put salt on a fresh scar. By that, I mean, that you cannot walk out into the world dressed like something that is not who you really are because you should be aware that someone would point out the fact that you should not be dressed like that.

When African Americans wear skinny jeans, no one is bothered by it. Why is it like that? Because they make it look right, but it is not like, no one makes fun of them. It is just that people do not like to point that out. Now, do not get me wrong, there are some Caucasians out there that can sag their jeans and make it look straight up fabulous. Nevertheless, most of the time they are made fun because they do not "rock it". Therefore, my point is that you should really think about something before you go out and throw it out to the public.

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