Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good Job Cameron And Justice !

This quote is beyond perfect and I got it from Cameron.

My first point, is simply this. If it is not acceptable for a White person to say the N-word because it is disrespectful and prejudice, then why would Black people want to call each other this word if it is these things.
Recently there has been a lot of controversy about this word. People got into verbal fights at school, which was completely innappropriate. I ask why such behavior? Now I answer, it is because the N-word is believed to be only for African Americans. Well here is a brief wake up call. If you say something, then a kid will think it is okay, and they will repeat it. Same with teenagers. If an African American can say it, then Caucasians see no problem with saying it. May I remind you that I am neither Caucasian and nor am I African American so I am not taking any sides but I am saying it like it is. Cameron makes a great point and I am proud to say that I was the one who brought attention to it.

Another quote that was about the same subject and Justice does a spectacular job on setting things straight

So when you say that black people say white people are racist for saying the N-word then they should look at it from another point of view because you are being hypocritical and actually being racist yourself.
This relates to Cameron's quote and they both are on exactly on the pulse (main idea), and that is the kind of person I am so I related to it right then and there. Why would you say something about your own race and discriminate against your own people, but as soon as someone else says something, you are offended? Now, with that said why would you engage in something that you find offensive. In a way, I agree with Al'eah because if someone called me a terrorist just because I was Muslim, it would make me mad. However, the difference is that I would not call myself a terrorist either.

So my point is that you should not say such as the N-word just because you are African American, but expect others to not say it. Life is not that simple and people pick up things that they hear or see and do it or say it themselves.

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