Monday, September 20, 2010

People Are So Stupid, It Makes Me Sick

I hate when people try to tell me what I try to act like. It bugs me, especially when they just met me. They know nothing about my background or who I am and yet they tell me I try and act like something I am not. For example, when people say I am trying to act smart or cool. I find it to be the stupidest thing in the world and it makes them seem like they were just born because it shows how ignorant they are.

I have put a lot of thought into this and it bugs me more and more every time. Why are people so stupid and immature? Why do they act like two year olds? It makes me believe they were dropped on their heads about ten times and then after that, they were taken to high school for hopes of education. People who say stuff like that are the ones who try to act like someone they are not. That is why it bugs them.

Based off previous experiences, I am able to safely say that whenever you say you hate something about someone (particularly attitude wise); it is usually your biggest flaw. For example, if you hate someone who talks too much, usually you are the one with a talking problem. I say this because in the past, I realized that the things that I hate about others, is what I do most. I hate when people yell at others, and yet I do so much of it myself.

However, the one thing I cannot stand is when you tell someone to stop acting like something they are not because it is strictly immature. It annoys the hell out of me and it makes me want to become violent, but because I am such a calm and chill person, I am able to let it slide. Sometimes in life, people can get on your nerves but the more you let it go, the more you adjust to it and people start to leave you alone. It is a life skill that is hard to master, but once it is mastered, you can do get through half of your life with no problems at all.

1 comment:

  1. I did a response to this:
