Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kite Runner Was So ....

Khaled Hosseini’s book “The Kite Runner” was extremely deep. Hosseini brought up many of the issues of Afghanistan back in the day as well as Afghanistan nowadays. I was impressed at how he can write a 371 book about just one subject and he limited himself to a very few people. However, I was not impresses at all with he did most of his things. I think he had many weaknesses that needed to be addressed before he was going to publish the book. However, his purpose and the way he indirectly made it clear that who his audience was really amazed me.

Hosseini talks about how the Hazara’s were discriminated against. In addition, he explains how once you do something bad, you can always go back and rejuvenate yourself. Another thing that I noticed was Hosseini indirectly talks about loyalty and how people use others just to keep them company for a while. Most of the book was written around these three topics and it fascinated me at the fact that he had so much to say about so little. One of the Pashtuns named Assef says something that I found to be very interesting:
“His blue eyes flicked to Hassan. ‘Afghanistan is the land of the Pashtuns. It always has been, always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-nose here. His people pollute our homeland, our watan. They dirty our blood.’” (Hosseini, pg. 40)
 This quote interests me because I wonder if Assef could have backed it up. Not only that, but this also contributes to the idea of the Hazara’s being discriminated against. Even in modern day Afghanistan, people look at the Hazara’s funny and they did the exact same thing back then. Assef comes from a powerful family so he can get away with doing many things. Again, the Pashtuns have a lot of power so if Assef were to punch Hassan in the face, his father could have paid the police and gotten away with it.  

This book has a lot of strong language and a brief scene with some sexual content. I would not recommend this for children under the age of 13 however; I would definitely recommend this for the people whom are looking for a dramatic and non-fiction like book. He made it clear that he was aiming at the teenager generation to let us youngsters know that we have it so good out here in America. Hosseini tries to write his book in a way where the sexual content is not said but he indirectly hints it to us by saying:
“Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan’s hips and lifted his bare buttocks. He kept one hand on Hassan’s back and undid his own belt buckle with his free hand. He unzipped his jeans. Dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan. Hassan didn’t struggle. […] I stopped watching, turned away from the alley.” (Hosseini, pgs. 75-77)
 The parts which I did not include were irrelevant to my point but what I am saying is that Hosseini decides to not say what actually goes down in that alley. He makes Amir turn away so that it would not be necessary for him to go into detail about the disgusting incident. He does not go into detail about the sexual things but what he does do is say many bad words. For instance, Amir’s dad or otherwise known as Baba says:
“Fuck the Russia.”
By saying that, he makes it clear that this book was not intended for the younger generation but for he more mature ones.

This book was fabulous but twice as weak. The weaknesses in this book are an extremely big part of the book. He fails to impress me when it comes to showing that the Hazara’s. He does a good job showing what happens to them but he does way too much and goes overboard. What is his reason for making all of the bad things happen to Hassan? It becomes repetitive at a point in the book as we here the same thing repeatedly. It gets a bit boring and he got his point about the Shi’a across in the beginning of the book. Not all of the Hazara’s have such a horrible life. Most of the Hazaras have better lives than the Pashtuns so to put them down so much is annoying.

Do we have to constantly hear about the things that go wrong? Hassan is Hazara, he is hated on, he gets raped, Amir uses him, him and his wife get kicked out of their house and killed, his son is put in an orphanage, his son Sohrab is then taken by Assef and he dances for him, and Sohrab tries committing suicide. Why does he pick on them? Then when the backstabbing and jealous Amir goes through an obstacle, everything has to get better or the world will end and Afghanistan will no longer be Afghanistan. After I finished the book, I was disgusted by the amount of repetitive content he had, and it bored me. I realized that I was reading the same thing but in different forms.

Another weakness was when Hosseini kept on putting in all of these unnecessary memories. For example, when Hassan was getting raped, Hosseini decides he wants to talk about a fatigue memory. These memories have nothing to do with what is going on at the moment and it is just a bunch of clutter.

Overall, the book was one with many difficulties and I liked it lightweight. It could have maybe changed from the typical successful conclusion but it is what it is. I thought that I would start out having to hear my countries name be thrown in the dirt but it turned out that even if it was, we came out cleaner than everyone else did because this book shows that we can admit to the wrongs of our people. We do not hide our mistakes and this book is where everything is clearly written out and proves my claim.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Should You Forgive 'Em ?

Should you forgive those who have made mistakes? It is a good question because it makes you think about what your friends and family have done to you in the past and you think about whether you have forgiven them or not. I personally do not like the idea of forgiving people because once someone messes up, they will do it again and again so to forgive them would be like stabbing your own body twice in the back. I hate how people say those who do not forgive are cold hearted because we are not. It is called being wise.

My version of a famous quote goes like this, "You lie to me once, shame on you. You lie to me twice, shame on me." The quote means that once someone lies to you, shame on them because it was an act of stupidity on their part. If they lie to you another time, shame on you. The second part is "shame on me" because that would mean you would have forgiven who ever it was again and as I said before, they repeated themeselves. The whole point of this blog post is to talk about liars and people telling you all the wrong things. So here I go.

I cannot stand when my friends and family tell me all the wrong secrets. They tell me things that will piss me off but when it comes to things I need to know so that I can be happy, they decide to hold it off until there is no point in me knowing what it was. It annoys me at how people can come up to me and say things such as, "Did you hear that so and so hate you" , "Oh, so the other day, I was standing by the steps and I heard X saying that you were hella annoying and that you are so full of yourself" or "I was standing over there and I saw so and so looking at you up and down. I think they hate you the most". However, when it comes to teling me things that would make me happy and things that could possibly change the rest of my freshman year, people decide not to tell me those things. Instead, they leave it off and when they are sure that I can do nothing about it, they decide it is the correct time to tell me.

That is the point in time where I decide that I will not forgive anyone at all for any reason because no one deserves to be forgiven. It is not like I have never done anything wrong and I do not expect anything from anyone so people not forgiving me makes no difference to me. Yeah of course, if it were a good friend I would be upset at the fact that they wouldn't have forgiven me but hell no I would not have made an effort to make it better. People not forgiving me is nothing at all, it just shows that people are smart and know better that to forgive me for what I did wrong.

People have always said I was wrong for thinking the way I do but no one has thought of it this way. The ones who do you wrong waste time. They waste your precious time, time that could have been used for something else. Time that can never be replaced and of course you only live once so you can never ever make up for even a second of it. So yes, I believe I have made my point and remember, for those who are close to me, if you mess up, there is a 99.9% chance that I will never forgive you and nor will I ever forget what you did. When I look at you, I will not be thinking about memories, I will be thinking about what you did to me. But of course I have told all of my friends this so this should be nothing new.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Im Done

Kite runner. This book was truly fabulous. I cannot believe the was things turned out. Amir got five percent of what he deserved and he adopted Sohrab. It is about time that that selfish little brat did some good. I was not the least bit surprised when Sohrab attempted to commit suicide. I would not want to spend one day with the pathetic and feminine man who ruined my fathers childhood either. But anyways, back to the things that matter, this book really gave me a different point of view on muslims.

We all hold grudges and we all get revenge one way or another. This was shown when Assef's pathetic self decides he wants to do what he meant to do to Amir years ago when they reunited at the Taliban head quarters. It is crazy how many grudges I have held and I still hol them all now. Looking at someone who did me wrong will only disgust me more. I will say I forgie you but I sure as hell do not.

Now, this book was filled wth intense and emotional parts but there is one thing that bugs me. Is the author against the Hazara? Because he makes everything bad happen to them. What the hell is wrong with him? For GOD's sake, give them a brake. You make Hassan become the one who looks like a theif, you make him move out of his home because of that fish breath brat, you make him the one who limps, you make him the one with the hare lip, you makehim the one that everyone hates, you make him the servant, you make him the one who has to put his child in an orphanage because he is taken away by the Taliban, you make his child have to dance for those stupid men, and then you make Hassan die. What the hell is up with that dumb sh*t?

There was really no point in putting him in the story if he was going to wind up dead and forever forgotten. I love the book but it had the most pathetic ending ever. "For you over a thousand times" my foot! You cannot say that to Hassan;s child if you were to weak to say it to him. I have read and seen the movie before this was ever assigne but I never hated him as much as I do now. I hate him and anyone who lived with him after poor Hassan moved out of his hut. Overall, it was a fabulous book and it would have been even better if Amir was not part of it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fried Chicken !

Fried chicken is God's gift to everyone. I was searching for the perfect quote when I saw that John was talking about fried chicken and of course I had to quote him because avoiding fried chicken is like commiting suicide.
i just want to show how much i love fried chicken. Now i love fried chicken but i really need to have other things to go with it. some of the things i like with my fried chicken is mash potato  and gravy corn on the cob with a little butter on it and of course a cup of ice cold kool aid.
Now, it is just a coincidence that I happen to like mash potato's, gravy and corn on the cob as well. But what is not a coincidence is that I also enjoy fried chicken. Fried chicken is the most precious food on earth. When it comes to food, I am the master so for me to say fried chicken is delicious, is like Obama saying that we need change. Meaning that what I am saying about ried chicken is nothing but facts.

Fried chicken's outer layer is crispy and fresh. The aroma of the chicken, mashed potato's, gravy, and corn fills the air and attracts any human. The outer crispy layer makes a light crunch as you bite into it and the inside is the soft but juicy part. That is where you put a spoonful of mashed potato's and gravy in your mouth and let the potato's melt and satisy your taste buds. Then you bite your corn and let its sweet and suculent flavors take you over. Being a food professional, I would say that the more you stuff in your mouth, the more flavor you get.

As for kool aid, this drink is the sweetest drink on the face of the earth. The flavors of the drink sweeten you mouth with tangy yet delicious flavors. Kool aid is the most popular drink at ASTI but if you prefer Caprisun or Gods gift: Vitamin Water, those work as well. These foods are delcious and can be found at the following places:
 For the first four locations : http://www.usatoday.com/travel/destinations/10great/2003-09-30-fried-chicken_x.htm
Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles
New Caporal
Opal's Kitchen
Gourmet Fried Chicken
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Wing Stop

My Grandma Is A Boss

So, most people do not know who my grandma is which makes total sense. But I love her and she is more than just an ordinary grandma. She is a legend, my proof is below.

That is my grandma getting Afghanistan's lifetime award. She has had a long and successful career. My grandma used to take her children being my mom to the school where all of the rich kids attended. My Aunty Mariam was best friends with the presidents daughter which is crazy. In fact, my grandma was richer than the president himself. She used to put all of her money in enormous rice bags and she would take a handful of th emoney each time she needed it.

Her servants used to steal money from her but of course it never really made a difference to my grandma because she had so much money. People use the term "taking showers in money" as a way to say someone is really rich. That truly meant its literal meaning to my Grandma. She had a five story house. The sixth story was made of glass and was made specifically for my grandmother's music video's.

Did I mention my Grandma was a legendary singer in Afghanistan? She made so much money that she could have afforded to feed half of the people in her area. Her daughters were wanted by many guys and even her servants were beautiful. I can actually connect this to Kite Runner because in the book, Baba and Amir's servants were hazaras and so were my grandma. The only differnce was that my grandma did not let them sleep in a hut, she gave them an actual house that looked like sme of the two story houses you would see in Tracy.

If you do not believe me, feel free to contact my mom about any of this and she will tell you that I am not lying.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Stan Is A Genius !

I was looking at everyone's fabulous blog posts when I across Stan's interesting blog and what he said really struck me:
Someone who starts drama is often outcasted and ignored. After a while no one pays attention to them. So nothing good can become of you if you start rumors. I think they get what they deserve, I think that if someone is making the choice to start things then they deserve to be avoided, they obviously have two different opinions of you, one when they are hanging out with you and one when they aren't.
This is very interesting because Stan and I seem to have the same point of view. Now, I am all about people getting what they deserve no matter how harsh the punishment. Most people build a reputation for themselves as the realest person. However, they throw it in the trash by being immature and creating commotions by telling people's business. To me, you are just dropping people's level of respect for you.

Why do people persist in such behavior? There is a very simple reason. For example, when you tell someone what another person (whom I will call Candy) said about them, you guys become fast friends because the both of them will start talking about Candy. All someone may want is to cause a rivalry between two people and then talk about how,  "I was just letting her know because it would have been being fake had I not told her." No, cause you are bull sh*tting me an everyne else when you say something like that.

Lately, ASTI freshman have been searching around and really trying to find out who the real ones are and who the fake ones are. Most have proved themselves to be untrustworthy and most have proved to be real. I personally could care less because it is all about my friends and what makes them happy. I don't have time to worry about the immature. I havebeen really working on fixing my relationships with the sophmores and everything has been going really well.

I would like to breifly elaborate further on Stan's quote. Backstabbers and trash talkers are going to go to hell and they will be avoided. I say this because I have been through it all and I know what it is like to be the center of drama. I most certainly know what it feels like to be talked about just because you are liked and just because you are popular. So back-stabbers can go to hell.

Oh yeah , you guys should hear this song-it's by Soulja Boy and it is a sexy song :  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooBkgdQynXA&ob=av2e

"Square Up Then !"

People get active all the time. At my old school, there were not a lot of fights, but when there were, it was brutal. Girls pulled hair, punched in the face, and even sat on each other and started scraping their faces against the cement. The guys just punch until they get pulled away. Why do people fight? Who instigates the fights? Who started the fights? Let me explain these for you because I feel like I have the answers.

People fight because it shows power. The feeling of victory is one of the best feelings in the world. It also proves that the victorious one is tough and starting then, they have officially built a reputation. I have always dealt with the "bad kids" because I get along with them really well and according to them, winning is like spitting in your opponents face. That is partially the reason why people fight.

Who instigates these fights? It's usually the ones who you think are trying to help you by saying, "You better put that b*tch/punk in check and give her/him an a*s woopin!" The ones who tell you what the others say are also the ones who instigate. Why do these immature pigs, low-life, trashy, dirty, disgusting, dinosaur faced pieces of sh*t instigate? Because they are to pathetic and weak to fight themselves so they want to see someone else fight.

Who starts the fights? It's the backstabbing and untrustworthy pieces of garbage that I personally wouldn't look at twice. They earn your trust and when you tell them things, They tell other people and think they are slick when the truth of the matter is, they are as fake as anyone else and anything else in the world and I pity all of them. People also start fights by starting rumors and all of the other things that people nowadays do.

I was extremely popular at my old school and I'm not bragging. Why did I just point that out? Because when you decide to take the route of popularity, you are officially accepting the road of nothing but drama and haters. I took the road and I have been through the worst. However, I was still popular at then end and I still made it through all the bull people gave me. The point of this blog is to say that you shouldn't let retarded fools who call you a friend get you into an unnecessary fight.

Monday, November 1, 2010

"Kite Runner" Is Fabulous

Kite runner was written out very carefully with all of the details thought out. It has very precise details which helps me picture each and every scene. This book is very dramatic and contains scenes of every day life in Afghanistan. It is true, the Hazara’s are often discriminated against and this book really has me questioning the world and thinking about why this difference is amongst us. Hosseini talks a lot about betrayal even if he does not come out and say, “Well in this scene of the book, I will talk about betrayal and so I just wanted to let you know so you weren’t confused.” He hints it.

I have enjoyed each and every word of this book and it is not just because I am from Afghanistan. For a book that is completely made up, it was well written out. However there are some things that I would like to know a little more about. Why would Hassan the servant be the one with the horrible life? Why is he the one that has to live in a “shack” made out of mud? Why is he the one with the harelip? Is it because he is poor and he should look messed up? I was also wondering why nothing bad happens to Amir and everything seems to happen to Hassan. For example, both Hassan and Amir were threatened by Assef but only Hassan faced the consequences. Why is that?

Other than that, this book is one that I could read all day. I started off feeling kind of bad because I knew that Mr. Sutherland was going to require me to read this book and I knew that it was putting Afghanistan down in a sense and I did not want to hear everyone’s comments. However, once I read the book, my perspective took a turn for the better. The book is filled with rich sensory details and there is always one scene after another and they all top each other. I have a feeling that I will enjoy this book and I will not regret having to read this.