Monday, November 1, 2010

"Kite Runner" Is Fabulous

Kite runner was written out very carefully with all of the details thought out. It has very precise details which helps me picture each and every scene. This book is very dramatic and contains scenes of every day life in Afghanistan. It is true, the Hazara’s are often discriminated against and this book really has me questioning the world and thinking about why this difference is amongst us. Hosseini talks a lot about betrayal even if he does not come out and say, “Well in this scene of the book, I will talk about betrayal and so I just wanted to let you know so you weren’t confused.” He hints it.

I have enjoyed each and every word of this book and it is not just because I am from Afghanistan. For a book that is completely made up, it was well written out. However there are some things that I would like to know a little more about. Why would Hassan the servant be the one with the horrible life? Why is he the one that has to live in a “shack” made out of mud? Why is he the one with the harelip? Is it because he is poor and he should look messed up? I was also wondering why nothing bad happens to Amir and everything seems to happen to Hassan. For example, both Hassan and Amir were threatened by Assef but only Hassan faced the consequences. Why is that?

Other than that, this book is one that I could read all day. I started off feeling kind of bad because I knew that Mr. Sutherland was going to require me to read this book and I knew that it was putting Afghanistan down in a sense and I did not want to hear everyone’s comments. However, once I read the book, my perspective took a turn for the better. The book is filled with rich sensory details and there is always one scene after another and they all top each other. I have a feeling that I will enjoy this book and I will not regret having to read this.


  1. I am glad that your fears about reading this book have not been realized.

    One of my favorite things about the KR is how it celebrates Afghan culture, even in the middle of a story about how it's falling apart.

  2. Quoted ya:
