Friday, November 5, 2010

"Square Up Then !"

People get active all the time. At my old school, there were not a lot of fights, but when there were, it was brutal. Girls pulled hair, punched in the face, and even sat on each other and started scraping their faces against the cement. The guys just punch until they get pulled away. Why do people fight? Who instigates the fights? Who started the fights? Let me explain these for you because I feel like I have the answers.

People fight because it shows power. The feeling of victory is one of the best feelings in the world. It also proves that the victorious one is tough and starting then, they have officially built a reputation. I have always dealt with the "bad kids" because I get along with them really well and according to them, winning is like spitting in your opponents face. That is partially the reason why people fight.

Who instigates these fights? It's usually the ones who you think are trying to help you by saying, "You better put that b*tch/punk in check and give her/him an a*s woopin!" The ones who tell you what the others say are also the ones who instigate. Why do these immature pigs, low-life, trashy, dirty, disgusting, dinosaur faced pieces of sh*t instigate? Because they are to pathetic and weak to fight themselves so they want to see someone else fight.

Who starts the fights? It's the backstabbing and untrustworthy pieces of garbage that I personally wouldn't look at twice. They earn your trust and when you tell them things, They tell other people and think they are slick when the truth of the matter is, they are as fake as anyone else and anything else in the world and I pity all of them. People also start fights by starting rumors and all of the other things that people nowadays do.

I was extremely popular at my old school and I'm not bragging. Why did I just point that out? Because when you decide to take the route of popularity, you are officially accepting the road of nothing but drama and haters. I took the road and I have been through the worst. However, I was still popular at then end and I still made it through all the bull people gave me. The point of this blog is to say that you shouldn't let retarded fools who call you a friend get you into an unnecessary fight.

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