Friday, November 12, 2010

Fried Chicken !

Fried chicken is God's gift to everyone. I was searching for the perfect quote when I saw that John was talking about fried chicken and of course I had to quote him because avoiding fried chicken is like commiting suicide.
i just want to show how much i love fried chicken. Now i love fried chicken but i really need to have other things to go with it. some of the things i like with my fried chicken is mash potato  and gravy corn on the cob with a little butter on it and of course a cup of ice cold kool aid.
Now, it is just a coincidence that I happen to like mash potato's, gravy and corn on the cob as well. But what is not a coincidence is that I also enjoy fried chicken. Fried chicken is the most precious food on earth. When it comes to food, I am the master so for me to say fried chicken is delicious, is like Obama saying that we need change. Meaning that what I am saying about ried chicken is nothing but facts.

Fried chicken's outer layer is crispy and fresh. The aroma of the chicken, mashed potato's, gravy, and corn fills the air and attracts any human. The outer crispy layer makes a light crunch as you bite into it and the inside is the soft but juicy part. That is where you put a spoonful of mashed potato's and gravy in your mouth and let the potato's melt and satisy your taste buds. Then you bite your corn and let its sweet and suculent flavors take you over. Being a food professional, I would say that the more you stuff in your mouth, the more flavor you get.

As for kool aid, this drink is the sweetest drink on the face of the earth. The flavors of the drink sweeten you mouth with tangy yet delicious flavors. Kool aid is the most popular drink at ASTI but if you prefer Caprisun or Gods gift: Vitamin Water, those work as well. These foods are delcious and can be found at the following places:
 For the first four locations :
Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles
New Caporal
Opal's Kitchen
Gourmet Fried Chicken
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Wing Stop

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