Friday, December 10, 2010

A Child Called "It" #2

This discussion was insane. We all got heated but me the most. I was disgusted at this man-like woman who claims to be a mom. She is a disgrace to all women and I feel sad today sitting here and referring to her a “she” or “her”. We discussed nothing but the abuse but things took a very interesting turn this time because we did not only blame the mother for her actions. We had another suspect and we believed this person had a major impact on what happened to David.

I came to the conclusion that the father was the blame. While talking to my group, I noticed that most of this came back to the father. He is the man of the house, the one who provides for them and without him, David’s family would be beggars. So therefore, I came to the conclusion that he should have more say than anyone in the family as to what would happen and when it would happen. But no, I was wrong. Instead, the mother wore the pants and just so that the father could get his way, he tried getting her drunk. She soon became an alcoholic. I know this seems irrelevant to the situation but it applies more than anything.

The mother becomes and alcoholic and this only pushes her more and make her want to abuse him even more because she does not know what she is doing. Why would the father be such a coward? Because he is a pathetic weakling and he does not deserve to be a father. Like I always say, men are slime balls and at the end of the day, the women wear the pants in a relationship.

Of course, he is not the only one who makes it worse. David’s dumb ass brothers also abuse him. It really disgusts me when I read that they get to play, eat, sleep, dance, and be obnoxious as hell but when David decides to be a kid, he gets an ass whooping. I am pretty sure that there is so much more to come and I cannot wait to read it and take my anger out on the mother.  

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