Friday, December 10, 2010


What is respect? Let me tell you what it is really quickly. Respect is to hold in esteem or honor. Knowing this you might be wondering, “Why is she talking about respect?”. Well let me briefly explain myself. I usually start off respecting everything and everyone in the world until they prove to me that they are trash and do not deserve to be respected.  I have recently stopped respecting many people. Most of them treated me like dirt so I stopped respecting them. When I stop respecting someone, it means that they are an absolute nothing. They are garbage to me and having to look at them makes me sick.

Never in my life have I lost respect for an adult. I do not care if they spit in my face, I still respect them. However, if I am dealing with someone who is around my age or someone who holds no authority, then hell yes I will loose respect for them if needed. People just piss me off and they do things to get on my nerves on purpose. I know I am not the queen of England but people are just so stupid. They say things that they know will make me mad or they just do me wrong in so many ways that it makes me lose respect for them. I hate when I have to lose respect for someone because then it means I have to consider them trash that I would spit on. They bring it on themselves.

People always wonder why I am so harsh and it is because I have bottled up all of the anger I have inside of me and when it comes to blog post time, I let it out. In my past, people have treated me wrong because I did not care about feelings and I said what I had to say. That would offend people and it would eventually lead messy females mugging me. Also, I have had a hard life and it is not related to my family at all. It is because I have always dealt with immature people and I decided to stop doing things about it. All of this leads to me being a harsh punisher. I hate forgiving, forgetting, and anything of the sort. I get one life and if I waste it forgiving people who do not deserve to be forgiven, then I might as well kill myself and give them my life. If I have to forget what people did to me, I might as well give my self a slow and painful death. So therefore, respecting people would be just as stupid. I will lose respect for people and the point of this blog is to say that if someone gets on your nerves, then lose all respect for them and treat them like the pile of trash that they will become.

1 comment:

  1. Check out ma response
