Thursday, December 16, 2010

Response To Alex

So, I saw Alex's response to me and there were a few things I wanted to say about this quote in specific:
For example, if one of your closest friends says something that offends or angers you, then you will not take the time or even consider forgiving them. If that is the case then you will pretty much lose respect for everyone you know because almost everyone you know is bound to disrespect, anger, or offend you in some way or another.
Okay, so I understand what he is saying and it makes sense but I have something to say about that. If they were a close friend to me, why would they disrespect me in the first place? Why would they purposely or even accidently annoy me? I mean, I think it would be rather pathetic if a friend bugged me and then expected me to forgive them. That to me is considered some 5 star BS.

Over the years, everyone around me has taught me a lesson that I will take everywhere with me. That lesson is that your friends are not friends. They are the people who make you cry, stab you in the back, compete with you, leave you when things get bad, and do not stay with you until the end. Only one in every four billion will be true to you and it is impossible to find that one person. I mean, look at reality shows, do the friendships ever stay the way they started? Hell no! I believe everyone uses you whether you like it or not so when I do not forgive them, I am also not forgiving them for all the times they have talked about me and I haven't found out.

And hell yes, I lose respect for people who disrespect me. But they have to be people who matter, if it someone I barely talked to, then I will laugh at them because they are pathetic and need help. But if it is a friend, then hell yes I will lose all respect and if I could, I would get them arrested and make them know that they are retarded and I hate them but then again, that is just me. I do not want to change your point of view.

1 comment:

  1. Ok heres another response
