Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Ahahahaha" Response To Lhadze

I hope I don't explode while writing about this but here I go. Lhadze says:
Ok I'm going to respond to you all. I can't find every ones post but I'll post this on Rokhors blog  have  I know your cousins supposely scene, and I'm glad we have more of them, but it's when they show you looking more emo than scene and they think their so scene. It's funny to me as a Scene Kid and i find it absolutly hilarious when  you're not even scene and you call yourself scene( like the wanabes)
First of all, my cousin is not "supposedly" scene. She is scene and she will skate "scene" rings around all of the other scene queens, kings, kids, babies and whatever else. So thank you for attemtping to make me seem like a liar and im sorry, it didn't work. You best believe I don't care who you grew up around, I know my cousin is scene and if she wanted to, she could be a scene queen right now because she is that beautiful and that worthy.

Second of all, she is not the general base. She is the defenition itself. She made the word scene and if anyone were to see my cousin, they would throw away all other scene people and think she is the only one. Oh yeah, and again, okay you grew up around scene people. What are we supposed to do? Do you want all beginners to come kiss your feet? Like you told me and I quote, "She called me a scene wanna be and I was like hey! I was just a beginner!" So now all these people that are starting off might now have achieved the look yet so they are not wanna be's.

What pissed me off is how my cousin was brought up! That makes me want to pull all of my hair out. My gorgeous cousin has nothing to do with this. She does not wear a lot of make up, she does not have a lot of piercings, she does not like hello kitty, she does not do anything other "scene" people do! She does have the big, ginormous teased hair that is pink, black, dark blue, and blonde right now. She has only one lip piercing, one nose piercing, and one ear piercing on each ear. All the scene guys die for her but she doesn't like them. So yes, she is scene and anyone can be scene and I will believe that until I die.

(Sorry if I was rude, i'm in a bad mood)

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