Thursday, January 13, 2011

College ....

We have been looking at quite a few debates recently and it is about colleges. There were some that were okay, one that was fabulous, and one that just pissed me off because it didn't convince me of anything. In fact to be 100 percent honest, I didn't understand a single word. The one that convinced me was Graduate School Matters More by David W. Breneman. He says:
"College choice is a complicated matter, not unlike a marriage. Too may variables are involved to base the decision solely on the factors that a news magazine has selected to rank colleges. No one would pick a spouse in such a manner."
Basically, when I read this part it made me think "Genius"! He is speaking the truth and this is why. Breneman says that choosing a college is a very hard decision and that it needs to be based off what you think is going to help you in the long run. You cannot base it off of which college happens to be ranked the highest. I say this because based off of what people tell me, a majority of the people I know wish to attend a school that was voted best and not a school that will benefit them the most. I found this the most convincing because students do not pick colleges based off of what they want to be but again, rather based off of what the magazines think is the best which is STUPID.

Now the weakst one there was What You Do Vs. Where You Go by Martha O'Connel. Here is the part that just made me think, "What the hell is she talking about?"
"During the fall months at high school guidance counseling programs, juniors run to the stage to participate in an exercise to try and help them understand that it is not “where you go” that matters. They hold posters featuring the names and faces of famous people while their peers and parents shout out with confidence the names of elite colleges they assume the celebrities attended."
I read this and just sat there and thought to myself, what do posters and celebrities have to do with anything? Why is that relevant to anything? We are talking about colleges and she is over here discussing how everyone wants me to go to colleges that celebs went to and something about people putting pictures of celebs on posters. Well I am glad you can recognize a celeb, props to you but what is your point? No one that I know goes to schools that celebs went to. You know why? Because stating the obvious, none of those celebs go there anymore so again, what is the point? I found this to be the weakest and did not believe a single word she said.

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