Friday, January 21, 2011

Young Actors = Role Models ?

There is Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, And Justin Bieber. These are basically the four most important and young actor/actresses in the industry. They make the most money, have the most popularity, and are well-known through out the world. However, should they devote most of their teenage years to satisfying the younger ones? Should they have to do everything correct just because they have little kids watching their shows and listening to their music? I think not! We need to understand that they will mess up, and if not mess up, they will just want to move on so we can't expect for them to stay the way they are forever.

Why in the world would all of these successful people waste their time trying to satisfy kids who won't let their "role models" move on and do more things with their career? If they mean so much to all these people, why would they not let them move on and become more famous? Now an example is 16 year old Taylor Momsen from Gossip Girl was caught smoking and everyone immediately attacked her and her response was,
"To be honest, I don't f--king care. I didn't get into this to be a role model. So I'm sorry if I'm influencing your kids in a way that you don't like, but I can't be responsible for their actions. I don't care."
I have to say I agree with her. I don't want to be all about smokig because if you know me, then you know the words "above the influence" are tattoed to my forehead. However she made a valid point because no one gets into the industry to be stuck doing things to satisfy others. They got into the industry to live the dream and to be their own person, not who all the fans want them to be.

Another example is Selena Gomez who is the most gorgeous, talented, pretty, successful, loved, famous, and funnest celebrity and no one will let her move on. They all want her to stay with Disney Channel and sing childish songs because they don't want her to go down the wrong direction. Since I am her biggest fan, her twin, and the only person who would actually give up their life just to see her, I think I can say that it is time for her to move on and do bigger and better things.

Miley Cyrus... she was the biggest teen sensation from day one and you know what? She fell just as fast and just as hard because she decided she wanted to grow up. I call that retarded. If she wants to go sing in shorts and a tank top, then she can. If she wants to go smoke a bong, then she can. She has a father and a mother so it is none of our concern. Our job is to support her and be there for her so when paparzzi tries to break her, we are there to build her back up and make sure she doesn't completely dissapear from the industry. This is what was said about her new music video "Who Owns My Heart":
The head of the PTC, Tim Winter, has slammed Cyrus stating:
“It is unfortunate that she would participate in such a sexualized video like this one. It sends messages to her fan base that are diametrically opposed to everything she has done up to this point,” agrees Winter. “Miley built her fame and fortune entirely on the backs of young girls, and it saddens us that she seems so eager to distance herself from that fan base so rapidly.”
I would like to ask this Tim Winter a question. Is it any of your business? You have no right to say something like that about a young girl who has a father and a mother who thank God are still alive and are watching her. You are a 50 year old man and you need to stay out of her business. Oh, and she did start off on the backs of younger girls because stating the obvious she was young herself. Can it get anymore obvious? Now that she is older, she wants to sing and make videos for people her age. It isn't her fault parents make their children watch her show and videos when they are obviously now meant for the older generation and not a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds. It is irritating and rude when people think they can say rude things about others just because they are older. Your input is not needed and it is not any of your concern. Is she your daughter? Neice? Nephew? I think not so you need not to comment on what she does. You just need to help her stay on the correct path since it seems like you won't survive unless Miley acts like a 10 year old. So why put her down when you can "help her"?

Then, Demi Lovato. This girl is a good singer and what not but guess what? She lost millions of fans just because she stepped into rehab. That is straight up crazy. Why does that concern us or any of her fans? For all we should care, she can go to the club 24/7 and get drunk. She has parents and if they are okay with what she does, then who are we (her fans) to tell her what she can and can't do? She can't devote her entire life to satisfying us. She needs to grow up and find out who she is and what she wants to do with her life. Everyone wants Lovato to make it her life goal to satisfy us. It's like no sweets, it doesn't work that way.

Justin Bieber. This little boy is the biggest male teen sensation. Everyone loves him but just as many hate him. Why? Because and I quote, "He's tryina be all ghetto and black," and "He sounds like a girl!" Most also say that he is a bad influence and apparently he said he wants to be a father at a young age which troubled many. People speak on his name like it's bubble gum. Parents don't like him because he sings songs with girls and he has pictures kissing girls. Big deal! Is he supposed to devote his career to singing to little girls and making them feel like they are his "baby" or they will be the "one less lonely girl" because he will pick them?

There is a limit to everything and we need to understand that their is a point in time where these sensations will want to move on and sing or act for the older generation. So we should not expect for them to always be the angels that they start off being because in this industry, they are bound to mess up so hey, let's just support them.

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