Saturday, January 15, 2011

Response To Aleah

Okay, so obviously I was looking through the posts and I saw one that really pissed me off and being the type of person I am, I will respond to it and explain a few things. Aleah said:
"This week for the first time in a while I'm responding to Rhocksor because I think Teenage girls need to GET OVER IT! .... I honestly doubt that a little kid can be in love. In my opinion love works two ways. So if you feel the love so do they. Females attach themselves to every guy that they go out with. But they need to realize that "you can not attach yourselves to every guy that says he looves you becuase at the end of the day you'll probably have at least fifteen attach ments...So another thing that annoys me that I didn't put on my last blog is the fact that teenage females attach themselves or claim a Boyfriend. Like what the Hell? Who the hell are you to claim a boy that you ain't married to. These dudes have no obligation to you. So they can do what they want, your not there wife, mother, or grandmother."
Okay, can someone please tell me where in my post I said, "Oh, my friend was attached!" Um, lets see, NO WHERE! I did not say that and I refuse to let Aleah claim that I did. Why are you making me and me friend seem like were a bunch of boy crazy stupid people who don't know what we are talking about? If I say that my friend was in love and she says she was in love, then she was and that is that. Point Blank Period. I respect your ideas but you just made me seem really bad and it is because you are putting down everything I say.

As if you didn't know, she is a teenage girl. She has feelings and she is extremely strong but he meant a lot to her so she cried. That's what I was getting at, I wasn't saying she's strong but cries over everything. Also, he did love her and I can bring about 10 people in advance to prove it but the fact was, she messed up in the beginning and messed with his feelings which officially ruined it for her. That is why she cried for the longest time ever.

Oh, just so I don't forget, are you trying to tell me that teenagers need to get over it? So if someone treats you like their queen and they treat you like their everything, your going to spit at them and just laugh because you "honestly doubt that a little kid can be in love"? You can be in love regardless of your age. It's kind of like saying, "Oh, your 78, you are way too old to be in love" and "oh, you're 15, what the hell do you know about love"? I have come to realize you can love at any age and when someone tells you you're "too young", you need to laugh at them and know that obviously they haven't experience the feeling you get when you know that someone is giving you their all.

Oh God, this part really pissed me off and I literally wanted to pull my hair out. She said we were "claiming" boys and she asked the extremely disrespectful question "Who the hell are you to claim a boy that you ain't married to. These dudes have no obligation to you. So they can do what they want, your not there wife, mother, or grandmother." Excuse me? That is extremely disrespectful and I can't even believe you would say something like that. Did I say in my post that she had him on lock down and she didn't let him go? NO I did not so I would appreciate if you stopped adding extra details that are LIES to MY post. Oh, and nobody tried to tell anyone what to do so therefore we understand that we aren't their grandma, or mother, or whatever else you listed.

Mr. Sutherland I am sorry if this was way too long, this was just very important to me and I needed to clear up everything because my friend means the world to me and without her, I would be dead or something so please excuse my attitude and anything else that I said which might have come out wrong. I respect Aleah but this post was about my other half and for her, I would give up the world so .... sorry.

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