Thursday, January 13, 2011

Based On My Friends Love Life

My friend Roxy (that's what we called her, her real name is Sasha) was single, loud, crazy, pretty, sweet, and just everything you might love but it was not like she didn't have imperfections. She did the kinds of things you would never imagine and that is what made her so different. She dressed really nice and her hair was gorgeous looking even if it was thown up in a bun. She was always a little bugged about the fact that she was single but she did not let it get to her.

Until one day she met someone. He respected her, said he loved her, said she was pretty, said she meant the world to him, and all that good stuff. Sure a lot of people had said that to her before but she didn't take any of them as serious as she took this one.

"He's just different Rokhsor. He makes me feel like a queen." she would say to me.

Of course, being the type of person I am, I didn't buy it. I felt like this talk was just temporary. She had just met him about a day ago and he already said those things? It was weird for me but I didn't want to make it rain on her parade so I told her I was happy for her. Stating the obvious, they started going out. They started off stronger than any other couple I had ever seen. Of course they fell just as bad. She broke up with him once but only because she loved him and knew she had no option. They got back together and that was when it became horrible.

They were over within a few days. They were stronger than ever and then, they broke up. It literally killed her inside. She hid her feelings and walked around like she didn't give a care in the world. A lot of guys still tried getting at her but she turned them down. She loved this guy because he was her first and to let him go just a few days after they got back together really bugged her.

She was the toughest girl you would ever meet but she cried for hours on the phone when we were talking. I remeber exactly what she said:

"Rokhsor, I loved him and I literally mean love. Like I said, he made me feel like I was royalty and for him to just let me go like that bugs me. Why would he do that? Is he trying to get me back or some sh*t? I really hope that's not the case. Oh, and you will never believe what I heard! He is dating some other girl now. My brother told me he could have made up an excuse to break up with me because he wanted her. Why the hell would he do that? I mean, I know why he broke up with me and it sounds rather legit but the fact that he shoved his fat foot so deep down in the ground and wouldn't work around the reason bothers me. What should I do? Please help me, help him, help us get back together! I am willing to do anything."

Those were her exact words. I say this story today just to let you all know how messed up the boys are. They really know how to play with a girl's emotions. This is basically my warning, once you dump them, they will like you a whole lot less even if it doesn't seem like it so therefore, with boys you need to expect the worst at all times. And yes, I saw right through him and I knew he was speaking lies.

(She allowed me to post this story so don't think I did this behind her back)

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