Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal : Ebone - Role Models

Ebone's blog post was one of many but her's was the first one I found that was against mine so here's my response. She says,
If you make the decision to be an entertainer on a children's show, you cannot be caught in the news smoking a bong and getting high like this very famous young child actress, with millions of fans did recently. The things that children/teenagers see on TV influences and affects their behavior in real life. For instance, if a child admires someone like Batman and he/she sees Batman doing bad things, they are going to think it's okay because their role model is doing it and do it themselves. 
I have to be honest, Ebone is saying the truth but there were a few things I wish to address. Just because you decide to get in the industry, should it mean that you should do everything perfectly? Does it mean that you shouldn't grow up and do new things because you started off entertaining young ones? Does it mean they cannot do the types of things a normal teen would?

People such as Miley Cyrus come into the industry because it is what they have dreamed to do. They work extremely hard and compete like never before. After all that work, they most certainly do not want to dedicate their careers to satisfying little children. For example, say you study for the longest time and you focus like there is no tomorrow because you really want to impress your parents. You take the test, and you pass. However, your teacher tells you, "Oh, I decided this test shouldn't count because I didn't like it." Wouldn't that be irritating? That is how Miley Cyrus might feel. She works extremely hard for making her dreams come true and at the end, she doesn't even get the audience she wanted. Her audience was limited to the younger generation.

I understand that she started off on a children's show but she wants to grow out of it but no one will let her. We are holding her back. But, if everyone insists that she should be held back and she must work for entertain the younger people, then we should leave her personal life out of the picture. When she smoked the bong, it was on her own time. What she does away from her "Hannah Montana" life is none of our concern. So I say let's just leave these celebrities alone and let them do them.

( Love You Ebone Girl ! )

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