Friday, January 21, 2011

I Love My Friends !

(There are more people but this is focused on my lunch group only because they were the ones who stuck with me until now)

Man, sometimes I feel like I don't say this to my friends enough. I really do love them and without them, I swear I would be lost. Here at ASTI, I have found a group of really good people who are proving to me day-by-day that they are there for me no matter what. You guys are all my loves and the reason why I look forward to going to school. Keep up the good work, just do you all the time, and know I am here for you guys and I don't care what you need. I will come through. You guys mean the world and more to me. You guys have made me realize how much I really love you guys.

These past 6 or 7 months of school, you guys proved that you guys are the group of people I want to be friends with forever. Today, Januray 21, 2011 we had lunch together just like the old days and I looked around at all of you guys. All of you were so unique, special, and different. I just thought, wow! This is my group of people, these are the ones that are still here with me. Still putting up with my attitude, rudeness, and everything else. It made me so juiced to see all of us together again, as a group.

Karen! This girl is my twin, other half, sister, and my ride or die. Karen and I immediately had a connection. Everytime I am in a bad situation, she's there to tell me how to get through it. She knows when i'm mad or sad and i'm glad that she is my friend. Then, Shannon. Oh God! She has always been there. She is one of the people I would truly hate to lose. She is like my sister and i'm glad I met her. Karisa! She is so innocent and I absolutely love her! Once I have a problem, I can tell her and she tells me what to do and it turns out being the best advice ever. Now, my girl Ebone. I love her to death. I have known her forever and I will never forget all the good things she's done for me. She always tells me the correct thing to do and I feel like she is someone I will want to be friends/sister's with forever. Melissa Ma. This girl and I have been through the worst ever. However, we always work right around it and end up being friends again. This little girl is like my sister as well. She is just the best person in the world and I will be there for her and do whatever I can to make sure we stay friends. Justice, Justice, Justice! She is really important to me. She's my backbone, sister, ride or die, right arm, left leg, and everything else. I love this girl with all my heart and I will support her and do anything for her. She has always been there for me and she is the definition of a true friend. She is one hundred percent real and I respect her.

Stan is the best friend ever! He is always asking me if i'm okay when i'm sad and I love him. He's like my brother and in these past 6 months, Stan and I have become really good friends and i'm thankful for him. Cameron. He's the best person I have ever met. I love Cameron because I think of him as my older brother. He always tells me things straight up, I respect him and he knows it. Troy is another one of my good friends. Again, he's on that brother level. He plays around a lot but when it comes down to it, he knows how to make me feel a better. I love him and I definetly want him in my life. Tony Lin, he is for sure one of my brothers. He calls me Rockstar and we go way back! We couldn't stand each other but we turned that around and now, we get along really well. I love him and he's always there for me.

These people are just the most important. I love them to death and if I lose any of them, I don't even know what I would do. I respect them, love them with all my heart, support them, appreciate them, and will give up anything in the world for them. They have been there to tell me when i'm acting stupid and they have been there to tell me that they are proud. I could have never asked God for friends better than them. I honest to God love you guys and I want you guys to know that.

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