Friday, January 21, 2011

Smh Moment ....

Here is my attempt to be mature so please hear me out. I know I have been straight up with everyone when it came to my point of view and what I thought about a situation. I know most people think that I feel really strong when I sit behind a computer just because I know there will be no harm done to me. I also know that most people think I am super rude and that I need an attitude check because I am a taking these posts way to serious. Stating the obvious, I am here to explain myself and apologize.

When I see a post that seems interesting and I know I have a lot to say, I respond to it and don't hold back. I say what I have to say whether it be negative or posotive just because I feel like these posts should be based off of honesty, not based off of what might make people feel happy. I have no problem saying these things to people's faces because it isn't that serious to me. It's just my point of view and I feel like I should be able to say how I feel without having to worry about people taking it seriously.

I have been in the posotion where everyone attacks you for a post and I know it really pissed me off but then again, I knew it was just what they thought and so I wasn't trippin about it. However, I understand that some people might not think that way and I respect that. Although it makes me feel like I can't even speak my mind but it's not like I didn't realized that I need to tone it down and consider others before I start typing like a wild animal.

I would like to take this time to apologize for any feelings I hurt or for anything I said that might have made someone feel like I was purposely attacking them because that was not my intention. I was just trying to get my point across and it's my bad if I offended anyone. I know I do too much sometimes and it's because I am the type of person that has to say what I think or it feels like the end of the world. I like to get my opinion out there and I love debating so therefore I thought I could do that through blog posting. But I never intended on hurting feelings or making someone feel bad.

If you are in Mr. Sutherland's class with me then you already know how I love to talk in front of everyone and debating is my specialty. I can debate for hours and always have something to say. I don't do it because I know i'm good at it and I have an advantage. I do it because I like to hear other people's opinions and I like to see things from different perspectives. But overall, I really apologize for being rude, mean, or hurting feelings. I realized all this today when a sophmore gave me the best advice in the world and I wish to thank Gina for making me realize all these things.

(I promise I won't be rude anymore, I'll be nicer and if I feel like i'm about to say something rude, I'll walk away from the computer and avoid.)

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