Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Hella Dirty ....

Some people are so grimy, I swear to God. As you all know, I just got my fresh haircut and you know I am trying to enjoy it when I see the nastiest person on earth. Well she did not look dirty because you know. She looked like a freshman or sophomore, her hair was gelled, fresh pair of Jordan’s, and a matching top. So my friend and I go over there and were standing by the stoplight when this little nasty, not so clean piece of garbage flips her hair. All I see is about 3-miniature bug’s fall to the floor. Even worse, her hair was parted and on her scalp, I see a bunch of little black things that my friends and I identified as eggs. In addition, there were little bugs flying from one portion of her hair to the other and a bunch of other nasty things crawling.

I almost punched her in the face because I have my super clean, just washed, and just straightened hair down and the lice can just hop right into my hair and I can have her dirtiness. I was like, “Um no boo! If you got lice, then put your oh so dirty hair up because no one wants that filthiness.” I mean come no now. Why are you being so dirty? Put your hair up so that no one else gets them nasty bugs in their hair.

The nastiest thing is how they act as if they do not know. It is so obvious you have lice when you got your dirty hand in your hair all the time scratching and stuff. I mean if you have that long rapunzel hair, then I will understand because it is hard to handle and sometimes it gets itchy, but if you have short hair like that dirty female… then it is a no-no. I swear, if I ever (God forbid) get lice, I will have my hair up 24/7 and not come to school. Well at least my mom says she would not let me come to school. But anyways, I hope that little nasty gets her head shaved because she was the grimiest girl I have ever seen.

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