Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Respect #2

Okay so a few weeks ago I wrote a post about respect. I really have something to say about this. I am really sorry for doing way too much. I was really pissed off when I wrote that post and I swear it felt like I was taken over by a demon. Even my mom said that I was acting like I was someone totally different and my actions ended up getting me in BIG trouble with my parents. What I was really trying to say was something totally different. I intended on writing about how people need to respect each other a little more but instead I got so caught up on what had happened between me and a friend that I didn’t stick to the actual point of the blog. Whenever I would see a response, it would refresh my memory of what happened and I would go back to this stupid idea of losing respect for people. I put this up because Rahni is a really good friend of mine and what she said really made me feel bad: 
“I respect everyone, even if we are not friends and you do something that I do not appreciate. I guess it depends on what type of person you are because I am the type of person who it takes a lot to get mad, I am playful and I laugh a lot. I love everyone to an extent. I am not trying to diss anybody but I feel  that what  Rokhsor said is not cool at all. I feel that this is what a drama queen would do.”
I feel horrible for saying what I did and Rahni’s input means a lot to me. I respect her and what she has to say matters to me so I just want to say, again, that I am so sorry for acting stupid and I did not mean to do too much

This is what I was getting at. At the time, there was a lot going on. The things people did around me was disgusting. There were people putting others down, calling them names, and trying to make their lives “a living hell”. It was stupid and I was tired of seeing people disrespect others. I mean, if you know me, then you better know that respect is my name. I do not care who you are and what is going on with you, you had better respect everyone when you are around me. I cannot stress that enough, respect means the world to me and that is the honest truth. I put that on my life and I put that on The Almighty Allah, the one I believe in and RESPECT. I am truly sorry if I acted like a dumb retard. I am even sorrier that I gave out the wrong message to everyone.

Respect is something you need to have and if you do not, well then do not come near me. Ask anyone in my family how much I talk about respect. That is a 24/7 topic for me and my family. If you do not believe me, I will give you my number and you can talk to my little sister about it. I literally knock her teeth out every time I think she is being disrespectful. I am known in my family for being the best one because I respect everyone. You can talk to ANYONE in my family about this. Feel free to get my number from the office and talk to my mom if you do not believe me. I feel extremely stupid for talking about losing respect for people. I hope you guys understand and will forget that I ever put up that dumb, retarded, overrated, stupid, crazy, and childish post.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Child Called "It" Final

Wow, Child Called "It" is so boring. My entire group talked about was the abuse. Not even once
did we get into the actual meaning of the book. Like, what exactly was the moral? Could there have been a reason why he published it? Obviously yes. So therefore, who did he want as his audience? All of these questions could have made a better conversation. For some reason or another, everyone was obsessing over the abuse and how much he or she hated the mother. I was disappointed at the fact that all we have discussed is abuse, abuse and abuse. It became boring and now the book is extremely dumb and pointless to me.
I brought up the fact that in the last page, David says,
“… and deliver me from evil.”
I thought that it meant he wanted to be a devil child and use his dark side to beat his mother and escape everything. However, since no one in my group was listening, those who were taking notes told me that meant he wanted to be taken away from the evil, which was obviously his mother. I also brought up the fact that the mother might have been torturing David just to make him stronger. Of course, everyone disagreed with me but I still have a feeling that she was just trying to make him stronger. However, after Lhadze did some research, she found out that the mother had been abused. The mother was actually an alcoholic since she was 13. Her parents were divorced which led to her being abused. She was locked in the closet and denied food.
This leads to her overrated behavior towards her son. This is all just a little bit crazy and this is what it connects to, the mother has to take her anger out on someone and found David as an easy target. However, David does not do that, he tries to prevent the abuse.  

This book was probably the best thing that ever happened to me but my discussions were pathetic and I wish we had talked more about the other parts of the book.

Response To Alex

So, I saw Alex's response to me and there were a few things I wanted to say about this quote in specific:
For example, if one of your closest friends says something that offends or angers you, then you will not take the time or even consider forgiving them. If that is the case then you will pretty much lose respect for everyone you know because almost everyone you know is bound to disrespect, anger, or offend you in some way or another.
Okay, so I understand what he is saying and it makes sense but I have something to say about that. If they were a close friend to me, why would they disrespect me in the first place? Why would they purposely or even accidently annoy me? I mean, I think it would be rather pathetic if a friend bugged me and then expected me to forgive them. That to me is considered some 5 star BS.

Over the years, everyone around me has taught me a lesson that I will take everywhere with me. That lesson is that your friends are not friends. They are the people who make you cry, stab you in the back, compete with you, leave you when things get bad, and do not stay with you until the end. Only one in every four billion will be true to you and it is impossible to find that one person. I mean, look at reality shows, do the friendships ever stay the way they started? Hell no! I believe everyone uses you whether you like it or not so when I do not forgive them, I am also not forgiving them for all the times they have talked about me and I haven't found out.

And hell yes, I lose respect for people who disrespect me. But they have to be people who matter, if it someone I barely talked to, then I will laugh at them because they are pathetic and need help. But if it is a friend, then hell yes I will lose all respect and if I could, I would get them arrested and make them know that they are retarded and I hate them but then again, that is just me. I do not want to change your point of view.

Friday, December 10, 2010

God Bless Alameda

I got this from Aleah’s blog about Alameda and I found it to be….  Different.

“I am so proud that I live in Oakland instead of bootsy Alameda.”
“I remember I told a friend of mine that I attended a school in Alameda and they said ‘Wheres that’. Then I said ‘See, its so weak you don't even know where it is.’”

I am shocked. If anything, Alameda is the coolest place to be and just because you do not like it here, does not make it dumb or stupid or anything like that. I am tired of people calling Alameda bad names. If you do not like it, then do not talk about it. It is as simple as that. Just because people live in Oakland and it’s where all the “cool people” live, does not make everywhere else dumb.

First of all, if Alameda is bootsy, then what are you doing at an Alameda school? I am not trying to sound rude at all but it is the first question that popped up in my head. Since Alameda is bootsy, then you might as well find a good school at Oakland. Oh yeah, since it is so much better than Alameda, then it shouldn’t be that hard to find a good school in Oakland that is offering the same kind of things that ASTI is.

(My dad works in Oakland and he has seen people get shot but he loves it there and he says he would not want to work anywhere in the world but in Oakland but you do not see him talking trash about Alameda.)

You talk about how Alameda is so weak that your friend doesn’t even know where it is. Well you know where it is. I know where it is. It is just one person who doesn’t know, it is not like Alameda becomes weak and pathetic all of a sudden. This is exactly like saying, “I told a friend of mines in New York that I lived in Alameda and she said where is that and I said see, Alameda is so weak that someone in New York doesn’t know where it is.” It makes no sense, there is always going to be someone who doesn’t know where Oakland is. What I am trying to say is that Oakland is a beautiful place but there is nothing wrong with Alameda either.


What is respect? Let me tell you what it is really quickly. Respect is to hold in esteem or honor. Knowing this you might be wondering, “Why is she talking about respect?”. Well let me briefly explain myself. I usually start off respecting everything and everyone in the world until they prove to me that they are trash and do not deserve to be respected.  I have recently stopped respecting many people. Most of them treated me like dirt so I stopped respecting them. When I stop respecting someone, it means that they are an absolute nothing. They are garbage to me and having to look at them makes me sick.

Never in my life have I lost respect for an adult. I do not care if they spit in my face, I still respect them. However, if I am dealing with someone who is around my age or someone who holds no authority, then hell yes I will loose respect for them if needed. People just piss me off and they do things to get on my nerves on purpose. I know I am not the queen of England but people are just so stupid. They say things that they know will make me mad or they just do me wrong in so many ways that it makes me lose respect for them. I hate when I have to lose respect for someone because then it means I have to consider them trash that I would spit on. They bring it on themselves.

People always wonder why I am so harsh and it is because I have bottled up all of the anger I have inside of me and when it comes to blog post time, I let it out. In my past, people have treated me wrong because I did not care about feelings and I said what I had to say. That would offend people and it would eventually lead messy females mugging me. Also, I have had a hard life and it is not related to my family at all. It is because I have always dealt with immature people and I decided to stop doing things about it. All of this leads to me being a harsh punisher. I hate forgiving, forgetting, and anything of the sort. I get one life and if I waste it forgiving people who do not deserve to be forgiven, then I might as well kill myself and give them my life. If I have to forget what people did to me, I might as well give my self a slow and painful death. So therefore, respecting people would be just as stupid. I will lose respect for people and the point of this blog is to say that if someone gets on your nerves, then lose all respect for them and treat them like the pile of trash that they will become.

A Child Called "It" #2

This discussion was insane. We all got heated but me the most. I was disgusted at this man-like woman who claims to be a mom. She is a disgrace to all women and I feel sad today sitting here and referring to her a “she” or “her”. We discussed nothing but the abuse but things took a very interesting turn this time because we did not only blame the mother for her actions. We had another suspect and we believed this person had a major impact on what happened to David.

I came to the conclusion that the father was the blame. While talking to my group, I noticed that most of this came back to the father. He is the man of the house, the one who provides for them and without him, David’s family would be beggars. So therefore, I came to the conclusion that he should have more say than anyone in the family as to what would happen and when it would happen. But no, I was wrong. Instead, the mother wore the pants and just so that the father could get his way, he tried getting her drunk. She soon became an alcoholic. I know this seems irrelevant to the situation but it applies more than anything.

The mother becomes and alcoholic and this only pushes her more and make her want to abuse him even more because she does not know what she is doing. Why would the father be such a coward? Because he is a pathetic weakling and he does not deserve to be a father. Like I always say, men are slime balls and at the end of the day, the women wear the pants in a relationship.

Of course, he is not the only one who makes it worse. David’s dumb ass brothers also abuse him. It really disgusts me when I read that they get to play, eat, sleep, dance, and be obnoxious as hell but when David decides to be a kid, he gets an ass whooping. I am pretty sure that there is so much more to come and I cannot wait to read it and take my anger out on the mother.  

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Responding To Bianca

Bianca talks about something that I have always been against and this quote shows exactly what I am talking about:
It has been decided that in 2014, on the last day of school, I will do something I have never done before. I will be taking a risk and do something so rebellious and bold that it is practically unheard of.
She talks about being rebellious. Now being rebellious to me is overrated and unnecessary because I believe that being rebellious is like going against your parents wants. Listening and making my parents happy is my number one priority. I am completely aware that her point of view on doing something rebellious might be different but for me like I said before, rebellion for teenagers is trying to take control of your own life and let your parents know that you are not going to obey them any longer.

That is truly disgusting and there is actually a funny part to this. People think they are cool and say they are rebellious with such pride. It makes me want to slap them however; it is none of my business. What is Bianca trying to get at? Is she going to smoke, drink, and leave her parents or what? She talked about chewing gum during class or whatever but that is not being rebellious. That is more along the lines of wanting good breath at school.

From what I have heard, being rebellious is doing the exact opposite of what someone of authority asks you to do. I know that chewing gum is the opposite of what you are told to do, but I am talking major things. First, why does she want to be rebellious? She is so innocent, nice and everyone expects a lot from her but for her to think that be being rebellious, people are going to respect her more, I am sorry to say that she is wrong. Some people become rebellious because it is a sign of freedom, some do it to be cool and some do it just because they have never done anything “bad”. I think Bianca should let it go and just bee herself.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Child Called "It" #1

A Child Called "It" was truly a heart-breaking story. I was surprised at the things that David, the main character did for his mom even though she was a piece of garbage that deserved to eat her children’s diapers. During our lit circle discussion, we talked a lot about abuse rather than the actual story and what the point of it is. I was surprised at how much the people in my group were defending the mother or should I say the abuser.

We talked about the mom and why she went from the perfect mom to an abuser. I did not understand why the mother changes what she calls a "perfect family" and the perfect house to what I would call an orphanage. Their was only one child who was abused and it disgusted everyone in the group. We talked a lot about what happened even after our section. It went from time outs, to smashing David's face in the mirror, to things that a normal mother could never even imagine.

Our understanding was that this was the third worst abuse case. I was rather surprised when I saw that because what could have possibly been worse than burning your son on a stove on purpose. My group and I also figured she was mentally sick because she came up with reasons to beat him. Reasons like "Santa put you on the naughty list" and "You are being held back from the first grade" when the truth of the matter was that she just needed a reason to beat him.

We also discussed how she starved him. In addition, when she "accidently" stabbed him, instead of telling him to sit down and relax, she gives him 10 more minutes to was the dishes. What kind of mother is that? She is insane and is in serious need on mental help. If that were my mother, I would have snitched her out right when it began regardless of what she would have done to me. I respect my mom more than anything but I do not think that abuse is the way to go. So therefore, we concluded that she was a horrible mother and that she deserved nothing but the absolute worse and we were relieved to hear that she was no longer alive.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kite Runner Was So ....

Khaled Hosseini’s book “The Kite Runner” was extremely deep. Hosseini brought up many of the issues of Afghanistan back in the day as well as Afghanistan nowadays. I was impressed at how he can write a 371 book about just one subject and he limited himself to a very few people. However, I was not impresses at all with he did most of his things. I think he had many weaknesses that needed to be addressed before he was going to publish the book. However, his purpose and the way he indirectly made it clear that who his audience was really amazed me.

Hosseini talks about how the Hazara’s were discriminated against. In addition, he explains how once you do something bad, you can always go back and rejuvenate yourself. Another thing that I noticed was Hosseini indirectly talks about loyalty and how people use others just to keep them company for a while. Most of the book was written around these three topics and it fascinated me at the fact that he had so much to say about so little. One of the Pashtuns named Assef says something that I found to be very interesting:
“His blue eyes flicked to Hassan. ‘Afghanistan is the land of the Pashtuns. It always has been, always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-nose here. His people pollute our homeland, our watan. They dirty our blood.’” (Hosseini, pg. 40)
 This quote interests me because I wonder if Assef could have backed it up. Not only that, but this also contributes to the idea of the Hazara’s being discriminated against. Even in modern day Afghanistan, people look at the Hazara’s funny and they did the exact same thing back then. Assef comes from a powerful family so he can get away with doing many things. Again, the Pashtuns have a lot of power so if Assef were to punch Hassan in the face, his father could have paid the police and gotten away with it.  

This book has a lot of strong language and a brief scene with some sexual content. I would not recommend this for children under the age of 13 however; I would definitely recommend this for the people whom are looking for a dramatic and non-fiction like book. He made it clear that he was aiming at the teenager generation to let us youngsters know that we have it so good out here in America. Hosseini tries to write his book in a way where the sexual content is not said but he indirectly hints it to us by saying:
“Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan’s hips and lifted his bare buttocks. He kept one hand on Hassan’s back and undid his own belt buckle with his free hand. He unzipped his jeans. Dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan. Hassan didn’t struggle. […] I stopped watching, turned away from the alley.” (Hosseini, pgs. 75-77)
 The parts which I did not include were irrelevant to my point but what I am saying is that Hosseini decides to not say what actually goes down in that alley. He makes Amir turn away so that it would not be necessary for him to go into detail about the disgusting incident. He does not go into detail about the sexual things but what he does do is say many bad words. For instance, Amir’s dad or otherwise known as Baba says:
“Fuck the Russia.”
By saying that, he makes it clear that this book was not intended for the younger generation but for he more mature ones.

This book was fabulous but twice as weak. The weaknesses in this book are an extremely big part of the book. He fails to impress me when it comes to showing that the Hazara’s. He does a good job showing what happens to them but he does way too much and goes overboard. What is his reason for making all of the bad things happen to Hassan? It becomes repetitive at a point in the book as we here the same thing repeatedly. It gets a bit boring and he got his point about the Shi’a across in the beginning of the book. Not all of the Hazara’s have such a horrible life. Most of the Hazaras have better lives than the Pashtuns so to put them down so much is annoying.

Do we have to constantly hear about the things that go wrong? Hassan is Hazara, he is hated on, he gets raped, Amir uses him, him and his wife get kicked out of their house and killed, his son is put in an orphanage, his son Sohrab is then taken by Assef and he dances for him, and Sohrab tries committing suicide. Why does he pick on them? Then when the backstabbing and jealous Amir goes through an obstacle, everything has to get better or the world will end and Afghanistan will no longer be Afghanistan. After I finished the book, I was disgusted by the amount of repetitive content he had, and it bored me. I realized that I was reading the same thing but in different forms.

Another weakness was when Hosseini kept on putting in all of these unnecessary memories. For example, when Hassan was getting raped, Hosseini decides he wants to talk about a fatigue memory. These memories have nothing to do with what is going on at the moment and it is just a bunch of clutter.

Overall, the book was one with many difficulties and I liked it lightweight. It could have maybe changed from the typical successful conclusion but it is what it is. I thought that I would start out having to hear my countries name be thrown in the dirt but it turned out that even if it was, we came out cleaner than everyone else did because this book shows that we can admit to the wrongs of our people. We do not hide our mistakes and this book is where everything is clearly written out and proves my claim.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Should You Forgive 'Em ?

Should you forgive those who have made mistakes? It is a good question because it makes you think about what your friends and family have done to you in the past and you think about whether you have forgiven them or not. I personally do not like the idea of forgiving people because once someone messes up, they will do it again and again so to forgive them would be like stabbing your own body twice in the back. I hate how people say those who do not forgive are cold hearted because we are not. It is called being wise.

My version of a famous quote goes like this, "You lie to me once, shame on you. You lie to me twice, shame on me." The quote means that once someone lies to you, shame on them because it was an act of stupidity on their part. If they lie to you another time, shame on you. The second part is "shame on me" because that would mean you would have forgiven who ever it was again and as I said before, they repeated themeselves. The whole point of this blog post is to talk about liars and people telling you all the wrong things. So here I go.

I cannot stand when my friends and family tell me all the wrong secrets. They tell me things that will piss me off but when it comes to things I need to know so that I can be happy, they decide to hold it off until there is no point in me knowing what it was. It annoys me at how people can come up to me and say things such as, "Did you hear that so and so hate you" , "Oh, so the other day, I was standing by the steps and I heard X saying that you were hella annoying and that you are so full of yourself" or "I was standing over there and I saw so and so looking at you up and down. I think they hate you the most". However, when it comes to teling me things that would make me happy and things that could possibly change the rest of my freshman year, people decide not to tell me those things. Instead, they leave it off and when they are sure that I can do nothing about it, they decide it is the correct time to tell me.

That is the point in time where I decide that I will not forgive anyone at all for any reason because no one deserves to be forgiven. It is not like I have never done anything wrong and I do not expect anything from anyone so people not forgiving me makes no difference to me. Yeah of course, if it were a good friend I would be upset at the fact that they wouldn't have forgiven me but hell no I would not have made an effort to make it better. People not forgiving me is nothing at all, it just shows that people are smart and know better that to forgive me for what I did wrong.

People have always said I was wrong for thinking the way I do but no one has thought of it this way. The ones who do you wrong waste time. They waste your precious time, time that could have been used for something else. Time that can never be replaced and of course you only live once so you can never ever make up for even a second of it. So yes, I believe I have made my point and remember, for those who are close to me, if you mess up, there is a 99.9% chance that I will never forgive you and nor will I ever forget what you did. When I look at you, I will not be thinking about memories, I will be thinking about what you did to me. But of course I have told all of my friends this so this should be nothing new.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Im Done

Kite runner. This book was truly fabulous. I cannot believe the was things turned out. Amir got five percent of what he deserved and he adopted Sohrab. It is about time that that selfish little brat did some good. I was not the least bit surprised when Sohrab attempted to commit suicide. I would not want to spend one day with the pathetic and feminine man who ruined my fathers childhood either. But anyways, back to the things that matter, this book really gave me a different point of view on muslims.

We all hold grudges and we all get revenge one way or another. This was shown when Assef's pathetic self decides he wants to do what he meant to do to Amir years ago when they reunited at the Taliban head quarters. It is crazy how many grudges I have held and I still hol them all now. Looking at someone who did me wrong will only disgust me more. I will say I forgie you but I sure as hell do not.

Now, this book was filled wth intense and emotional parts but there is one thing that bugs me. Is the author against the Hazara? Because he makes everything bad happen to them. What the hell is wrong with him? For GOD's sake, give them a brake. You make Hassan become the one who looks like a theif, you make him move out of his home because of that fish breath brat, you make him the one who limps, you make him the one with the hare lip, you makehim the one that everyone hates, you make him the servant, you make him the one who has to put his child in an orphanage because he is taken away by the Taliban, you make his child have to dance for those stupid men, and then you make Hassan die. What the hell is up with that dumb sh*t?

There was really no point in putting him in the story if he was going to wind up dead and forever forgotten. I love the book but it had the most pathetic ending ever. "For you over a thousand times" my foot! You cannot say that to Hassan;s child if you were to weak to say it to him. I have read and seen the movie before this was ever assigne but I never hated him as much as I do now. I hate him and anyone who lived with him after poor Hassan moved out of his hut. Overall, it was a fabulous book and it would have been even better if Amir was not part of it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fried Chicken !

Fried chicken is God's gift to everyone. I was searching for the perfect quote when I saw that John was talking about fried chicken and of course I had to quote him because avoiding fried chicken is like commiting suicide.
i just want to show how much i love fried chicken. Now i love fried chicken but i really need to have other things to go with it. some of the things i like with my fried chicken is mash potato  and gravy corn on the cob with a little butter on it and of course a cup of ice cold kool aid.
Now, it is just a coincidence that I happen to like mash potato's, gravy and corn on the cob as well. But what is not a coincidence is that I also enjoy fried chicken. Fried chicken is the most precious food on earth. When it comes to food, I am the master so for me to say fried chicken is delicious, is like Obama saying that we need change. Meaning that what I am saying about ried chicken is nothing but facts.

Fried chicken's outer layer is crispy and fresh. The aroma of the chicken, mashed potato's, gravy, and corn fills the air and attracts any human. The outer crispy layer makes a light crunch as you bite into it and the inside is the soft but juicy part. That is where you put a spoonful of mashed potato's and gravy in your mouth and let the potato's melt and satisy your taste buds. Then you bite your corn and let its sweet and suculent flavors take you over. Being a food professional, I would say that the more you stuff in your mouth, the more flavor you get.

As for kool aid, this drink is the sweetest drink on the face of the earth. The flavors of the drink sweeten you mouth with tangy yet delicious flavors. Kool aid is the most popular drink at ASTI but if you prefer Caprisun or Gods gift: Vitamin Water, those work as well. These foods are delcious and can be found at the following places:
 For the first four locations :
Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles
New Caporal
Opal's Kitchen
Gourmet Fried Chicken
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Wing Stop

My Grandma Is A Boss

So, most people do not know who my grandma is which makes total sense. But I love her and she is more than just an ordinary grandma. She is a legend, my proof is below.

That is my grandma getting Afghanistan's lifetime award. She has had a long and successful career. My grandma used to take her children being my mom to the school where all of the rich kids attended. My Aunty Mariam was best friends with the presidents daughter which is crazy. In fact, my grandma was richer than the president himself. She used to put all of her money in enormous rice bags and she would take a handful of th emoney each time she needed it.

Her servants used to steal money from her but of course it never really made a difference to my grandma because she had so much money. People use the term "taking showers in money" as a way to say someone is really rich. That truly meant its literal meaning to my Grandma. She had a five story house. The sixth story was made of glass and was made specifically for my grandmother's music video's.

Did I mention my Grandma was a legendary singer in Afghanistan? She made so much money that she could have afforded to feed half of the people in her area. Her daughters were wanted by many guys and even her servants were beautiful. I can actually connect this to Kite Runner because in the book, Baba and Amir's servants were hazaras and so were my grandma. The only differnce was that my grandma did not let them sleep in a hut, she gave them an actual house that looked like sme of the two story houses you would see in Tracy.

If you do not believe me, feel free to contact my mom about any of this and she will tell you that I am not lying.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Stan Is A Genius !

I was looking at everyone's fabulous blog posts when I across Stan's interesting blog and what he said really struck me:
Someone who starts drama is often outcasted and ignored. After a while no one pays attention to them. So nothing good can become of you if you start rumors. I think they get what they deserve, I think that if someone is making the choice to start things then they deserve to be avoided, they obviously have two different opinions of you, one when they are hanging out with you and one when they aren't.
This is very interesting because Stan and I seem to have the same point of view. Now, I am all about people getting what they deserve no matter how harsh the punishment. Most people build a reputation for themselves as the realest person. However, they throw it in the trash by being immature and creating commotions by telling people's business. To me, you are just dropping people's level of respect for you.

Why do people persist in such behavior? There is a very simple reason. For example, when you tell someone what another person (whom I will call Candy) said about them, you guys become fast friends because the both of them will start talking about Candy. All someone may want is to cause a rivalry between two people and then talk about how,  "I was just letting her know because it would have been being fake had I not told her." No, cause you are bull sh*tting me an everyne else when you say something like that.

Lately, ASTI freshman have been searching around and really trying to find out who the real ones are and who the fake ones are. Most have proved themselves to be untrustworthy and most have proved to be real. I personally could care less because it is all about my friends and what makes them happy. I don't have time to worry about the immature. I havebeen really working on fixing my relationships with the sophmores and everything has been going really well.

I would like to breifly elaborate further on Stan's quote. Backstabbers and trash talkers are going to go to hell and they will be avoided. I say this because I have been through it all and I know what it is like to be the center of drama. I most certainly know what it feels like to be talked about just because you are liked and just because you are popular. So back-stabbers can go to hell.

Oh yeah , you guys should hear this song-it's by Soulja Boy and it is a sexy song :

"Square Up Then !"

People get active all the time. At my old school, there were not a lot of fights, but when there were, it was brutal. Girls pulled hair, punched in the face, and even sat on each other and started scraping their faces against the cement. The guys just punch until they get pulled away. Why do people fight? Who instigates the fights? Who started the fights? Let me explain these for you because I feel like I have the answers.

People fight because it shows power. The feeling of victory is one of the best feelings in the world. It also proves that the victorious one is tough and starting then, they have officially built a reputation. I have always dealt with the "bad kids" because I get along with them really well and according to them, winning is like spitting in your opponents face. That is partially the reason why people fight.

Who instigates these fights? It's usually the ones who you think are trying to help you by saying, "You better put that b*tch/punk in check and give her/him an a*s woopin!" The ones who tell you what the others say are also the ones who instigate. Why do these immature pigs, low-life, trashy, dirty, disgusting, dinosaur faced pieces of sh*t instigate? Because they are to pathetic and weak to fight themselves so they want to see someone else fight.

Who starts the fights? It's the backstabbing and untrustworthy pieces of garbage that I personally wouldn't look at twice. They earn your trust and when you tell them things, They tell other people and think they are slick when the truth of the matter is, they are as fake as anyone else and anything else in the world and I pity all of them. People also start fights by starting rumors and all of the other things that people nowadays do.

I was extremely popular at my old school and I'm not bragging. Why did I just point that out? Because when you decide to take the route of popularity, you are officially accepting the road of nothing but drama and haters. I took the road and I have been through the worst. However, I was still popular at then end and I still made it through all the bull people gave me. The point of this blog is to say that you shouldn't let retarded fools who call you a friend get you into an unnecessary fight.

Monday, November 1, 2010

"Kite Runner" Is Fabulous

Kite runner was written out very carefully with all of the details thought out. It has very precise details which helps me picture each and every scene. This book is very dramatic and contains scenes of every day life in Afghanistan. It is true, the Hazara’s are often discriminated against and this book really has me questioning the world and thinking about why this difference is amongst us. Hosseini talks a lot about betrayal even if he does not come out and say, “Well in this scene of the book, I will talk about betrayal and so I just wanted to let you know so you weren’t confused.” He hints it.

I have enjoyed each and every word of this book and it is not just because I am from Afghanistan. For a book that is completely made up, it was well written out. However there are some things that I would like to know a little more about. Why would Hassan the servant be the one with the horrible life? Why is he the one that has to live in a “shack” made out of mud? Why is he the one with the harelip? Is it because he is poor and he should look messed up? I was also wondering why nothing bad happens to Amir and everything seems to happen to Hassan. For example, both Hassan and Amir were threatened by Assef but only Hassan faced the consequences. Why is that?

Other than that, this book is one that I could read all day. I started off feeling kind of bad because I knew that Mr. Sutherland was going to require me to read this book and I knew that it was putting Afghanistan down in a sense and I did not want to hear everyone’s comments. However, once I read the book, my perspective took a turn for the better. The book is filled with rich sensory details and there is always one scene after another and they all top each other. I have a feeling that I will enjoy this book and I will not regret having to read this.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay On Posts From 1st Quarter

Blogging has affected me beyond strictly my school life in a negative way, what happens at school mostly inspires my blog posts and even though writers block can get in the way sometimes, I still end up with a great post. I have posted an average of 24 blog posts this first quarter and a majority of my ideas came from the things that go on at school. In addition, posting these blogs affects my life outside of school just because I constantly look back at my posts and apply them to my daily life.

Ever since Asti, everyday has been different and crazy. Therefore, at the end of the week, I am able to spill out my heart and I do it simply by posting a blog about it. This affects my life out of school because I look back at it and see all of the horrible things that happen to me, which makes me sad all over again. I usually forget about bad things within a day, however when I look back at something bad, it just pisses me off. For example, this was one of the posts that made me feel bad every time I looked back at it.
Most people know that so far, my experience at ASTI has been the worst out of all the other freshman. I have done nothing but stress. I almost fell asleep in class, I have trouble with tests, and I have a lot of social drama. I am being split into four billion pieces and I am just tired of it all. Most of the time I wish I could go to Encinal or Alameda because they have it easier than we do. My worst problem at ASTI is the social ones.

Writers block is one of the worst things for me. When I am writing a blog post and I have nothing to write about, an idea will suddenly pop in my head. I will go with it but after the first paragraph, I suddenly stop and go on Facebook. I do that because I have nothing else to write down to support what I have come up with. That means that I have writers block, which is temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing. Blog posts have taught me to get over that and I feel like I am capable of writing about anything without spacing out. I relax, read over the last bit of what I wrote, picture it, and go with that. I take what I have and make a bigger picture out of it. That is when the ideas kick in. For my post on thieves, I had writers block on one specific part:
A person in my business is like people sexually harassing me. It disgusts me because it is such a nasty behavior. If you were meant to be a part of a situation, then someone would have told you something. However, when you force yourself into something, you are going to end up annoying everyone. I have never had this happen to me but it is common and I hate it so I just thought I should throw it out there.

I write about many different kinds of things in my blog posts. I write about God, drama, money and all of the other things that can be applied to anyone’s life. I try to think of post ideas that would attract people’s attention because I would love to see their responses and see what they think of the “idea”. It helps me think of things in a different way and from other people’s perspective. Most of the time, the responses I get are good. However, I enjoy the response’s that criticize my work as well because I can learn from it. I see things in a different way, which influence my way of seeing the world and all that is in it.

My writing goals for the next quarter are big. I have big plans and it starts with something small and simple. I want to write more than just an average of five hundred words. My goal is to write somewhere around six hundred to seven hundred words. I want to start using descriptive details to make all of my points. I also have big plans on how to make my blog popular. I have decided to be the first to start a “Hollywood Gossip” thing. This is what I had in mind; I was going to look up all of the biggest and most juicy gossip from Hollywood and post it weekly and keep everyone updated on their favorite stars. I would of course put a link to every place that I got my information from and let people see it for themselves. I will due this by committing to doing the research and planning out what I am going to write so that I can meet my goal of six hundred to seven hundred. 
I wanted to come up with something that would make a strong point and I believe that I made my point. However, before I came up with all of the above, I had gone blank and had no idea on how I could support what I had written. I looked at the bigger picture and thought about how I feel when people are in my business and my mind was filled with emotion, which determined me to write more. I learned that if you have writers block, you should not stop and instead just keep on going. It helps train the mind to keep on going and coming up with ideas.
This post reminds me of the times that people got on my nerves and how every little thing they said to me would bother me. It is not like that anymore because I would be caught dead before I would let anyone ruin my day. This particular blog post was around the time when Asti was just about the worst place to be at. Most of the time, I would post something on my blog and not even look back because I had no desire to live off of the past again.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Believe In...

You believe in this and I believe in that. Now we talk about how we believe in gay rights or how we believe in justice for those who have been done wrong. But whether we believe in God or not is a very touchy topic. I respect all beliefs and I am not here to change anyone's views but I am here to say how I feel.

God is my number one belief. I do not care about education, family, or myself because for me, God is what it is all about. I pray to God every night and I believe that everything that happens is what God does. I do not care if God gives us famine or if we are blessed with money because either way I will believe in God. Why am I here talking about this? I am writing about this because lately, I have noticed people who do not believe in God discriminating against those who do.

I respect that you do not believe in God and that is fine, but why would you try to tell someone else that they and I quote, "should not believe in something that is does not exist". I believe it was about a month ago when a rude and pathetic and freshman friend of mine (who I will call X) said to me, "Yeah sure. You believe in something that is really not up there!" I felt like punching X’s face in, stretching X’s stomach out over X’s head, and then throwing this person in the street so that one of the cars could run X over. You better believe that I would have been laughing. I was offended and disgusted at the fact that X felt like X could tell me to not believe in my creator. I do not care who you are, you never tell me that God does not exist because that is your opinion.

Recently, I was told that a friend of mine was told that God was fake, that she is too religious, and it is annoying. That again, made me want to raise hell and say that those who do not believe in God need to keep their mouths shut because some people are very religious. Therefore, to hear someone say that someone else is too religious really irritates me. I am not sure about the sophomores, juniors, or seniors but I know that there are freshman who do not believe in God and are being rude to those who do. Reminder to them, I am here for education and not to argue about what to believe in. However, if you want to bring it up, then I will keep on going about it and it will be a battle that you will NEVER win. So if you wish to object or anything, feel free to write a response and remember, I respect all beliefs and the point of this what to say that everyone has different thoughts on this "God" situation and so we should not bring it up and start unnecessary arguments.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Of Mice And Men

In the novella "Of Mice And Men", John Steinberg gives the characters interesting parts. Lennie Small is the bigger one and he has the brain of a little child. George is the little one and he watches out for Lennie to make sure he does not get in trouble. The central conflict in “Of Mice and Men” is that of character verses self because Lennie cannot control his actions, which gets him in trouble.
Lennie has the brain of a little child. He does things that only a kid of the age five to ten would do. He does things and is not aware of what he is doing, such as killing a mouse.

Lennie tends to panic when he does something wrong. He has learned to hold on to whatever is near him when he gets scared so when someone scares him, he holds on and the more pressure you add, the harder he grabs on to whatever he is holding on.
“George put his hand on Lennie’s shoulder. ‘I ain’t takin’ it away jus’ for meanness. That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie; and besides, you’ve broke it pettin’ it. You get another mouse that’s fresh and I'll let you keep it a little while.’” (9)
Lennie loves little animals and he wants to squish them because they appear to be cute to him. That is why he killed the mouse. He did not know he had did it and when he does, George understands that it is not because he thinks it is funny. It is not because of meanness, he does it because his brain does not function the way other people’s brains his age function. He regrets doing what he did at the end, but at that point it is too late for him       

Lennie tends to panic when he does something wrong. He has learned to hold on to whatever is near him when he gets scared so when someone scares him, he holds on and the more pressure you add, the harder he grabs on to whatever he is holding.
“Then Slim straightened up and regarded Lennie with a horror, ‘We got to get him in to a doctor,’ he said. ‘Looks to me like ever’ bone in his han’ is bust’. ‘ I didn’t wanta,’ Lennie cried. ‘I didn’t wanta hurt him.’”(64)
Lennie had panicked so therefore he held on to Curly’s hand and crushed it because everyone put pressure on him. He did not know who to listen to so therefore he followed his instincts and held on and tightened his grip every time someone yelled at him. while he was being pressured, he got his eye busted which I think made him realize what he had done. 

Lennie is in need of George’s support and help so when he does something wrong, he is willing to go to any extent to keep George from finding out.
 “He shook her then, and he was angry with her. ‘Don’t you go yellin’,’ he said, and he      shook her; and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still for Lennie had broken        her neck.” (91)
Lennie was afraid that if George had heard Curly’s wife, who has no name, screaming, he would have gotten mad a Lennie. Therefore, he tried to hide it by throwing his arm over her mouth, and telling her to shut up. He thought that if he shook her, things would get better but he was not aware of the damage he is capable of. It looks like this, Lennie is scared of George so he tries to avoid messing up so that he will not have to hear George give him hell.

All of these incidents lead to the horrifying and unnecessary conclusion. All of Lennie’s behavior causes him to face a horrible death. He ends up getting shot by George in the back of the head when he was off guard. It was a stupid and sad ending and it bugged me to have to read that but it is how the book ended.  

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bad Girls Club: Miami

So, I was watching Bad Girls Club Miami and it made me realize something. I have it so good at ASTI. The girls out there go to any extent to torture the enemy. At ASTI, the girls wouldn't dare spit at one another and yet I sit around and complain. Well that is really stupid and I should have realized that before.

Basically, I am extremely happy that I am at a school where nobody does anything to anyone and I am juiced. Watch Bad Girls Club Miami Full episodes, just click on <= Bad Girls Club Miami and it will take you there.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Do I Feel About ASTI?

Most people know that so far, my experience at ASTI has been the worst out of all the other freshman. I have done nothing but stress. I almost fell asleep in class, I have trouble with tests, and I have a lot of social drama. I am being split into four billion peices and i'm just tired of it all. Most of the time I wish I could go to Encinal or Alameda because they have it easier than we do. My worst problem at ASTI is the social ones.

I have been dealing with a lot of drama. People telling me that I should let go of  "the fake females" and do what I have to do to be the winner. It is true, I would traumatize anyone whom I do not like or whoever is getting in my way. However, this is not just any high school. This is ASTI so that behavior does not fly. So what do I do? Do I listen to myself or do I take other's advice? Lately, I've been in a situatuion where at one moment I am happy for "my situation" and the next I want to take my anger out on someone and crush there heads everytime I see "my situation" around. I am 99 percent happy for "my situation" but people will not let me stay happy for "it" so that is where the 1% kicks in.

People do not know the things that I have seen and they have not felt the things that I have felt. So for people to tell me to do something, I can immediately tell whether it is right or wrng. What I cannot do is decide whether I should take their advice or not. Most of you may have caught on by now and you probably now what I am talking about. If you do, please tell me in person or write a response and let me know what you think. (Mr. Sutherland, this is not my blog post for the week.)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Melissa Ma Is So Smart !

I found this good quote from Melissa Ma's blog and I feel the same way as she does

As we sat I realized how horrible our lives would be without electricity. We were extremely bored, and as the night went on it started getting darker.
I hate the dark because that means I will be trapped inside! I prefer to be outside and to feel the wind in my hair. However, when I am inside I feel like im in a cage. If I feel like I am trapped in a cage, then I will come out in beast mode which is not safe. Without electricitty, there would be no mouth watering fried chicken to eat becuase you would not be able to fry it without electricity. There would be no pepsi because you would need electicity to make it cold. Without electricity, life would be dull and there would be no point in living.

I do not know how people back then survived without electricity because nowadays, without it most people like myself will not survive. It is like living in a ditch with no way out. I have had electricity at my service ever since birth and to lose it now would be like losing oxygen. It would take away my phone because I would not be able to use it without charge. It would take away my laptop which would kill me. It would take away my TV time. The worst part is that it would take away my heating blanket. You have to plug it in and it will heat up and it lightly vibrates on the part that you place on your back. So you are warm and you get a massage.

Life with no electricity is hell on earth. It is like burning my insides while stabbing my arm with a knife. Them squishing my head through a closed door. No I am not playing around because that is how much electricity. The things that I cannot live without are:
1. God
3. Myself
4. Diamonds
5. Food
6. Sleep
7. My Baby (My Phone)
8. Electricity
9. Family

As you an see, electricity falls at number eight which makes them really important. So I believe I have made my point !

Monday, October 4, 2010

You Gotta Love Money Right?

Money? Why does this piece of green paper run the world? Why is it the reason people lose family members? Why is it the reason people get shot at when they are at banks? For just a piece of paper, people work day and night. For all of that work, you can happily say you have earned this green sheet. Does money buy you happiness? Does money bring you back to life when you are on the verge of death? Does money get you through nine months of pregnancy? Does money buy you true love? I think not!

People are so obsessed with money that it is slowly taking over the world. Money is nothing but paper so I do not see why we need to ruin our bodies and waste our time
trying to bring green sheets home to your family. It is not as if I do not enjoy a bundle of money now and then, but I do not think it is necessary to base our lives on how much of it we have. For example, when your children want to go on a trip somewhere. You base your decision on whether you have enough money or not. You are giving away your child’s happiness because you want to save money? That is stupid and selfish. I know that without money, you cannot do anything or go anywhere but that is just it. That policy needs to change.

I have thought a lot about this and came up with three reasons why money should not run the world. First of all, we should not let green paper take over lives and kill people because that is not logical. Secondly, money should not run the world because it will not do anything to help us in the long run. Again, going back to my first paragraph- will money keep you from dying or losing a loved one? I think not! Last but not least, it just makes no sense to let money take us over. It is not ethical to let money take over humanity. It is stupid and only the greedy and money hungry would oppose this. What I am trying to say is that we need to step it up, and stop letting the little things like paper take us over.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Point Blank Period !

Love is so fake that is disgusts me. Now, it is true that most people are in love and I am happy for them. However, those of us who have had bad experiences have the right to feel that love is fake. Love is a word made up by someone for whatever reason and it is our choice about how we view it. I personally think love is mostly fake.

There is no age limit to love. You can fall in love whether you are ten or fifty. You are never too young or too old. Hearing all of this talk about we us young people know nothing about the world and we are too young makes me laugh cause it is a bunch of lies. We know about love, we know everything there is to know. It is not that we do not know anything, it is just we have personally experienced broken hearts or we have seen someone go through it and it is horrible.

I feel it is a waste of time to fall for someone to fall in love and then end up broken hearted. Most people end up in a relationship where things are going just great but not everyone is all that fortunate. Just because you are in love, dos not mean other people cannot talk about how they think love is fake. When it comes to love, I do not care because my time for that will come, but as or now, I have school and family to worry about. For those who fall in love, well they have a choice of loving the experience or a choice of thinking it was straight up stupid and they hate love. Love is when you will truly love someone, be there for someone until your dead, until you are breathing your last, you will always try and make it work out even if it is a dead relationship that will go no where, you will forever be in a love spell, you will see no one but that special someone, and you will never forget all that you have been through whether it is good or bad. That is just how it is. POINT BLANK PERIOD! That is all there is to it.

Q And His Bipolar Attitude

In "The Dinosaurs" and "The Aquatic Uncle", Q gets mad easily but is very sweet at the same time. Q is respectable towards females. He has a rather sweet and caring side towards the girl he likes. the text does not come right out and say that h feels this way but his actions speak louder than words.
“A kind of friendliness has grown up between Fern-Flower and me. Nothing too intimate.  I had never dared touch her”
This quote shows a lot about Q. It shows a portion of his sweet and caring side. It really explains his thoughts and views on how a girl should be treated. It explains how if Q is n more than friends with a girl, he will not touch her because he does not dare to. Q seems to be against that sort of thing. He explains that they are friends and things are not intimate because they are not that far in their relationship yet.

Q is very bipolar towards how he feels about his family. At one point in time, he is proud and another, he is completely ashamed of his family. He is so ashamed that he does not even want his fiancee to meet his family.
“The time had come for Lll to meet my family; and since its oldest and most authoritative member was Great-Uncle N’ba N’ga. I could not avoid a visit to him, to introduce my fiancée. but every time and opportunity occurred, I postponed it, out of embarrassment; knowing the prejudices among which she had been brought up I hadn’t yet dared to tell Lll that my great-uncle was a fish.”
There is a lot of detail in there that explains a whole lot about Q’s views. He obviously cares more about what his fiancée thinks of him rather than being proud of his family and being proud of his great-uncle. He also knows (or thinks he knows) that his fiancée and her family are prejudice towards fish. He thinks that they are not familiar with fish, and if they are, well they are not the coolest thing around. He fears that she will not like his family, which causes him to post pone all meetings between them.

Q seems very self-conscious and worried about what people have to say in a way. He feels this way and the text says it directly. However, you have to really put your all into the reading to really understand and see these factors.
“Every now and then I suspected she was remaining silent in order to embarrass me later in some spectacular way, in front of her family, or else-and, for me, this was an even worse hypothesis-she was making and effort to talk about other things only because she felt sorry for me.”
This says so much. The context contains big bold details on Q’s character. It has two major characteristics that cannot be missed. He feels that Lll wants to embarrass him in front of her family. However, even worse she might just change the subject because she feels sorry for him. Q feels like the guy in a relationship must be stronger and more powerful then a girl and he hates to feel like Lll has an advantage.  

Q is a very self conscious, sweet, and stereotypical kind of guy. He has this caring sense of humor where he loves to just have fun ad hang out. However, he also has a side where he has to be stronger than his girl is or he gets self-conscious.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Amen To That Karen!

Karen is right on the pulse with this one and she needs to be recognized for it. She said:
I occasionally did just want to have someone to call mine without actually having feelings towards them.Love does fade away
Okay, so why is this so important? Because people are falling in love everyday. People are also played everyday. Why do we fall in love? It is because when we see someone, we feel a connection. We feel like that is the person who will not break our heart. However, we are ever so wrong. Young love rarely stays strong. Now, this blog is from a girl’s point of view and I will get to the guy’s point of view after the girls is over.

We see a person at our school, and you feel a sudden connection. You feel like something clicked between you guys. You see his face, his structure, and what you think is his personality. That is when you probably start talking to him. Things are going fabulous and you feel like the both of you might have something and that is when he grabs your heart and steps on it a few times.

Of course, there is another girl involved. He likes her and denies any contact with you what so ever. Even if he does say he talked to you, he denies leading you on. It hurts you and you hate anyone and anything that tells you to move on. One part of you is saying forget him, the other is saying you cannot let him go because he is to precious and you have wasted to much time loving him to let go now. Therefore, now it hits you, love makes you only to break you afterwards.

For guys. Things are not very sunny either. Girls are constantly breaking guy's hearts. We feel it is a way to get back at them. Alternatively, most of the time, they are not up to your standards. It is a horrible thing for guys to find out but they are better at covering their feeling then girls are. So therefore, you just want to love someone without having feelings because if you do, then you know you will most likely end up broken hearted.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good Job Cameron And Justice !

This quote is beyond perfect and I got it from Cameron.

My first point, is simply this. If it is not acceptable for a White person to say the N-word because it is disrespectful and prejudice, then why would Black people want to call each other this word if it is these things.
Recently there has been a lot of controversy about this word. People got into verbal fights at school, which was completely innappropriate. I ask why such behavior? Now I answer, it is because the N-word is believed to be only for African Americans. Well here is a brief wake up call. If you say something, then a kid will think it is okay, and they will repeat it. Same with teenagers. If an African American can say it, then Caucasians see no problem with saying it. May I remind you that I am neither Caucasian and nor am I African American so I am not taking any sides but I am saying it like it is. Cameron makes a great point and I am proud to say that I was the one who brought attention to it.

Another quote that was about the same subject and Justice does a spectacular job on setting things straight

So when you say that black people say white people are racist for saying the N-word then they should look at it from another point of view because you are being hypocritical and actually being racist yourself.
This relates to Cameron's quote and they both are on exactly on the pulse (main idea), and that is the kind of person I am so I related to it right then and there. Why would you say something about your own race and discriminate against your own people, but as soon as someone else says something, you are offended? Now, with that said why would you engage in something that you find offensive. In a way, I agree with Al'eah because if someone called me a terrorist just because I was Muslim, it would make me mad. However, the difference is that I would not call myself a terrorist either.

So my point is that you should not say such as the N-word just because you are African American, but expect others to not say it. Life is not that simple and people pick up things that they hear or see and do it or say it themselves.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Hate Thieves.

I hate thieves and people who are always in my business. When somebody leaves something around, it means, they lost or forgot it. For starters, no one has a right in hell to go through it or to examine it or whatever else people do. It should be put somewhere out of reach until someone claims it. However, stealing is a way worse situation. Why do people steal and try to hide behind lies? I have recently gone through a stealing incident and it literally put out my blood on fire. I felt myself heat up as if I was on a burning skillet.

I put it this way when people steal. No matter how rich or cool you are, when you steal; you seem like you are not even worth a penny or a second of anyone’s time. Having something stolen is the worst feeling ever and I have a reason for that. Stealing is the biggest crime in the world and that is a fact. I have no support for my claim except for what I heard and saw in “Kite Runner” the movie. When you murder, you steal a woman/husband’s right to their spouse, a child’s right their parent(s), a friend’s right to a friend and it goes on. To add to that, when you steal someone stuff, you steal someone’s right to his or her own property.

The stupidest part of stealing is when people put a reward on what was rightfully yours. If someone stole what was yours and what you already paid for, then why would you pay for it again just because some careless goat decided to be cheap? No, it does not work that way. You will not under any circumstance pay for something twice.

A person in my business is like people sexually harassing me. It disgusts me because it is such a nasty behavior. If you were meant to be a part of a situation, then someone would have told you something. However, when you force yourself into something, you are going to end up annoying everyone. I have never had this happen to me but it is common and I hate it so I just thought I should throw it out there.

Monday, September 20, 2010

People Are So Stupid, It Makes Me Sick

I hate when people try to tell me what I try to act like. It bugs me, especially when they just met me. They know nothing about my background or who I am and yet they tell me I try and act like something I am not. For example, when people say I am trying to act smart or cool. I find it to be the stupidest thing in the world and it makes them seem like they were just born because it shows how ignorant they are.

I have put a lot of thought into this and it bugs me more and more every time. Why are people so stupid and immature? Why do they act like two year olds? It makes me believe they were dropped on their heads about ten times and then after that, they were taken to high school for hopes of education. People who say stuff like that are the ones who try to act like someone they are not. That is why it bugs them.

Based off previous experiences, I am able to safely say that whenever you say you hate something about someone (particularly attitude wise); it is usually your biggest flaw. For example, if you hate someone who talks too much, usually you are the one with a talking problem. I say this because in the past, I realized that the things that I hate about others, is what I do most. I hate when people yell at others, and yet I do so much of it myself.

However, the one thing I cannot stand is when you tell someone to stop acting like something they are not because it is strictly immature. It annoys the hell out of me and it makes me want to become violent, but because I am such a calm and chill person, I am able to let it slide. Sometimes in life, people can get on your nerves but the more you let it go, the more you adjust to it and people start to leave you alone. It is a life skill that is hard to master, but once it is mastered, you can do get through half of your life with no problems at all.

Spotlight Is On Aleah This Time

This quote by Aleah is very strong and bold and I believe it should be recognized.

"Sometimes I say this because ever since the saggin pance era started in person other than a black that was saggin hid pants, always had some negativecomment comming from them, But when Black guys start dressing like white guys with skinny jeans and skate boards no one sais anything. WHY IS THAT?"
Aleah has stated it the way it is in the real world. I walk down Oakland all the time and when I see Caucasian people sag, I often see African Americans laughing at them when they are not looking. However, when an African American wears skinny jeans and rides skateboards, no one says anything because it looks normal. In addition, it has been said by so many people that I know which I will not name that "black people can rock anything". This statement has been said repeatedly and it makes no sense to me. I say this because everyone can rock something if they have the right thing put on with it.

Caucasian people are discriminated against because of the fact that they try to act "ghetto". I am neither 100% Caucasian and nor am I 100% black so I am not being racist to either one of them. However, I believe that if people do not like racism, then they should not put salt on a fresh scar. By that, I mean, that you cannot walk out into the world dressed like something that is not who you really are because you should be aware that someone would point out the fact that you should not be dressed like that.

When African Americans wear skinny jeans, no one is bothered by it. Why is it like that? Because they make it look right, but it is not like, no one makes fun of them. It is just that people do not like to point that out. Now, do not get me wrong, there are some Caucasians out there that can sag their jeans and make it look straight up fabulous. Nevertheless, most of the time they are made fun because they do not "rock it". Therefore, my point is that you should really think about something before you go out and throw it out to the public.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The 10 Words I Chose

These are the 10 words that I chose to post because well.... I decided they were words that stood out to me.

1. Acquisition
2. Derive
3. Medial
4. Notion
5. Parameter
6. Percieved
7. Regime
8. Revenue
9. Sector
10. Subsequent

Monday, September 13, 2010

Quote #2 That Stood Out

This very detailed quote cam from Ruby Rew’s blog:
To me, bullies are what Hollywood and cartoons have portrayed them to be: kids who steal lunch money, pick on kids smaller than them, and tease others about their hair, clothes, shoes, etc. One thing Hollywood and cartoons have not done however, is show how cliques, gangs, groups and alliances can make or break a student's reputation at school. Everyone wants to be a part of the "in-crowd", but not many people can be.
This is an old assignment but the way she explained it really made me think. Ruby does a great job explaining how in Hollywood, the whole bullying situation is a joke and no one takes it seriously. However, the reality is that people like that are on this earth. Not everyone gets bullied for money, and not all of the littler kids get picked on. They do not talk about how girls in particular, ruin someone’s reputation. They do not talk about the process, the way a group of kids can make someone feel like nothing but trash.

Bullying is a very serious situation that gets no attention at all. I have been part of an alliance and I have been the one made fun of. However, I humiliated the girl back and stood up for myself, which brings me to another point. Kids cannot stand up for themselves and that is what makes them targets. Ruby also said that kids get teased on because of their hair, clothes, shoes etc. that is not true.

Kids nowadays care about level of popularity, how many guys/girls you get, and who you walk and talk with. Basically, it’s either you fit in the first time or you never will have a spot with the “in-crowd”. Kids that are bigger than a bully can be bullied. Bullying has nothing to do with how big or small a bully is, it has to do with how much power they happen to hold. You can be the biggest kid in school, and have no power. Since bullying is only tooken seriously at schools, teenagers/kids take their business to out of school locations. Kids are being bullied and violated at their own houses, shopping malls, on the streets, and just about anywhere else, you can find children.

Friendship For Thought

What is friendship? That is one thing us high schooler's do not know the definition of because no one knows the first thing about friendship. Friendship is the most precious thing in the world. It is about trust, loyalty, and fun. However most people cannot follow those three simple things. It takes someone smart to make sure that they keep all their friends and you will most likely never find someone like that.

Being trustworthy is a big thing. High school students do not take it seriously but it is definitely an important thing. It takes a very long time to earn someone's trust, and when you do, it is in you best interest to not ruin it. When you do mess up, you can never fix it. Once one person cannot trust you because of an experience they had that involved you, then everyone will realize that it is a good idea to stay away you before something bad happens to them. Lying will never get you anywhere and you have to always consider friends feelings before your actions.

Loyalty is an important factor. By loyalty, I mean having each other's back. You should always be able to have your friends back even if you are up against your biggest fear. No excuse is good enough an excuse as to why you cannot back a friend up.

Having fun is the main focus. If you do not have fun with your friends, then they are not the people you want to be hanging out with. If you cannot make a fool of yourself in front of your friends, then they are not worth your time. You should be able to do everything embarrassing in front of your friends because you know they will not judge you. Messing around, being weird, and not caring, that is what true friends do when around each other.

Over the course of a week, I found out and learned many things about friendship. Now I know nothing can compare to friends because they will be there through thick, thin, and until it is over. That is why this subject in particular caught my attention.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rebuttal September 10, 2010

I got this quote from my incorrect opponent Bassam Alkabash:
1. Prostitution gives females and males many diseases and parasites such as HIV/AIDS, STD’s, Herpes, crabs, and many more. This is important because if people do not use protection, they can be in risk of having a disease. Health official’s state, 25% of them have HIV or AIDS. 3-5% of the sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35% among teenagers).
Now, this quote is true. However, you cannot go to a gunfight with a knife. Prostitutes are well aware that they can get all of these diseases because there is no guarantee whatsoever that the men they are involved with, have no disease. As stated in the quote above, "3-5 percent of sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35 percent among teenagers)". That is exactly where my opponent fell on their face. Comparing those numbers makes my point; prostitution is not the only way to spread disease. Teenagers having sex is obviously one of the most common ways to spread disease. I understand that this is not the main focus of prostitution, but it is a point that is wrong in many ways.

This quote came from Rokhsor's argument:
For starters, prostitutes are not committing any crime what so ever. They are doing what satisfies them. Now I am not suggesting that all prostitutes enjoy it, but it is the decision they have made.
Prostitutes are misunderstood a lot. People always think that it is never a choice and they are forced to do what they do. That is not true, most prostitutes do it because they could be insecure, abused and there are many other reasons why someone would go down the prostitution path. Now, prostitutes can always quit what they do. However, they are supposedly emotionally attached to whoever takes care of them. If prostitutes do not like prostitution so much, then they would have been strong enough to get help. So therefore, we as Americans have no right to tell each other what we can and can do unless it involves a serious crime.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Correct Side Of The Debate

Prostitution Should Be Legalized

         Prostitution should be legalized because it is what some people do for a living. It brings no harm to others and some women really need the money. If people enjoy being a prostitute then we have no right to try and stop them from doing what they like. They could always quit, but as you have noticed, most females are happy doing what they do and I see no problem with it. It is a fast way to get money because most women can’t get a job because they have no education. So therefore, prostitution is the only way to get the money they need to take care of themselves. It’s their body and they are the ones making the decision whether or not they wish to reveal it to men they don’t know. A lot of the women in the world are selling their bodies to others and they are happy, so to take it away would take a lot of time and in the end, everything will go back to the way it started. I also believe that if prostitution were legalized then there will be less poverty and rape. Rapists would leave the little innocent children alone because they know that there would be a women out there who would be willing to give it up to them. It would allow children to go out and play without having to constantly watch there backs. I am sure you have heard that prostitutes get HIV or STD's. Well, as if you haven't noticed, they are well aware of the consequences of selling their bodies and they are okay with it so why should it bother us?
To support my partner and our claim, I have did my research and found some great reasons as to why prostitution should be legalized. For starters, prostitutes are not committing any crime what so ever. They are doing what satisfies them. Now I am not suggesting that all prostitutes enjoy it, but it is the decision they have made. Secondly, prostitution goes all the way back to 2400 B.C. and it supposedly showed up on the list of Sumerian professions next to doctors, scribes, and cooks. Although this is not a website that counts, i felt it woul be a good idea to point out that this piece of information was borrowed from Third of all, proponents believe that it will reduce crime. Now that is something that everyone is trying to stop. This point was taken from Last but not least, if prostitutes enjoy doing what they do, then we have no right to stop them.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Most Fablulous Quote

 This quote by Lhadze is well written and I believe it deserves some attention.
"People see me and automatically assume I'm a terrible person."
This quote not only represents one of the statements in the constitution, but its represents two. It represents include do not exclude and Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you. Lhadze explains how people in the world automatically assume things about her without even taking the time to get to know her. According to research, for every 25 middle school kids, an average of two is harassed daily and another two to three are bullied weekly. This show ho inconsiderate kids are of each other’s feelings. They do not think about what their stupid acts can do. Most of the time, the school board is no help either so it leaves the students on their own which leads to suicide or unacceptable actions such as violence. Her quote explains what some teenagers go through everyday and it is usually because of their sense of style or because they smell or look different. She says how people assume she is terrible which angers people. Kids should not go to school with fear; they should go to school knowing that they have a good day ahead of them. However, some students do not see that. Instead, they see a victim who knows that they cannot defend herself/himself and they love how people support them. I would know this because my friends and I were often doing things like this. By I, I mean I was watching and laughing when I would see something like that but I would not tell. I would not tell because I hated snitches so therefore I did not want to be one myself. That is why I think that Lhadze’s quote was by far the best.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bullying Has Got To Go

Rokhsor Yusufi
August 16, 10
Asti Summer Work

‘Just Kidding’ and ‘Ganging Up’
From Odd Girl Out

          In my seventh grade year, I was extremely popular. Everything was great until my so-called “best friend” did something at lunch one day that made me mad. The period after lunch (for me it was physical education), I told my friend Adreena what happened and I said a few things about my “best friend”. A girl named Anita was with Adreena and I and she heard everything I said. At the time, I thought I could trust Anita, so it really did not matter to me that she heard what I said. However, I was sadly mistaken because she went and told my “best friend” everything that I had said about her, which apparently made her mad. She then proceeded to write me a letter threatening me and asking me to come see her after school. I was not scared of anyone or anything but God so I went to go see her after school. Of course, all she did was trash talk. All of my friends were with her and were surrounding us watching her curse at me. I just stood there and watched her curse at me. I felt mad and rather humiliated so I laughed at her and told her that she had wasted her breath because I was not listening to a single word she said and that she just made a fool of herself because she seemed pathetic. I also told her how annoying I thought she was and how much it bugged me when she did what she did at lunch. That was when all of my friends realized that I was the right one and they all came back to me and told me that she was pathetic and that it was a good thing that I stood up for myself.
          I think people bully others because it is apparently a source of entertainment. They look for someone to bully because they want a reaction and they want to fight someone. In some cases, bullies do not have a good life and when they catch someone who is better that them, it bugs them so they bully them just so that can bring their victim down. When it does not work, they move on. Bullies are like cheetahs who attack a deer because the deer is weaker that the cheetah.